French Language
French Revolution
The Paris World's Fair
French Cuisine
Landmarks of France

This is the single most common word for Hello in France.  It can be used as a greeting throughout the day.

What is Bonjour?


The 1791 constitution divided France into several administrative units called this, which still exist today.

What are the Departments?


The 1900 Paris World's Fair was the largest in history.  It spanned across 543 acres and hosted over this many exhibitors.  The 1900 Paris World's Fair secured Paris and France as leaders in technological innovation.

What is 83,000?


This is a very thin pancake made from a simple batter of flour, water, milk, eggs, and butter.  Fillings can be sweet or savory.

What is a crepe?


This is the most visited museum in the world with over 10,000,000 visits annually.  It houses iconic paintings, Egyptian antiquities, and French sculptures.

What is The Louvre? 


Une Cigogne is French for this wading bird that really delivers.

What is a Stork?


He tried to escape from France during the French Revolution, however, he was caught after a patriot recognized him from his picture on the French currency.

Who is Louis XVI?


The 1889 World's Fair in Paris took place from May 6 - October 31 and was known as this in France.

What is the Exposition Universelle?


This dish is made from snails that have been removed from their shells to be cooked and placed back in the shells with sauces, garlic, and butter for serving.

What is Escargot?


This architectural masterpiece was originally built in 1015, however, due to fire damage was rebuilt in the 12th century to feature gothic style architecture.  It features beautiful stained glass windows and a huge decorated organ.

What is the Notre Dame Cathedral?


I'll be polite and say this in French, meaning Thank You Very Much.

What is Merci Boucoup?


At the time of the French revolution this had 8 towers and was surrounded by a moat more than 80 feet wide.

What is the Bastille?


This was built for the 1889 World's Fair.  It is 300 meters tall and at the time was tallest building in the world.  It took just over two years to build.

What is the Eiffel Tower?


This is a French Stew made primarily with vegetables including onion, garlic, tomatoes, potatoes, and bell peppers.

What is Ratatouille?


This structure dates back to the 17th century and took 40 years to build.  The most popular room in this building is the hall of mirrors.

What is the Palace of Versailles? 


A sign that says Chiens interdits means that these pets are not allowed.

What are Dogs?


The French Revolution ended when he seized control of the Directory on November 9, 1799.

Who is Napolean?


Due to the theme of celebrating the overthrow of the French monarchy 100 years earlier, the 1889 World's Fair was boycotted by most monarch nations on this continent.  Despite the boycott many exhibits were sponsored privately to represent these countries.

What is Europe?


This six letter term indicates that a dish is sprinkled with liquor and ignited for dramatic presentation.

What is Flambe?


This is one of the most popular D-Day sites to visit in Normandy.  It was assigned to the American troops and now is site of The Normandy American Cemetary and Memorial.

What is Omaha Beach?


This is the phrase you should use to let others know you speak French when traveling in France.

What is Oui, je parle Français?


In one of the earliest and most significant events of the French Revolution, on October 5, 1789 thousands of women marched to Versailles demanding this food due to it's high price.

What is bread?


The first of these to be held outside of Greece were held in Paris during the 1900 World's Fair.  This was also the first time women competed in this event.

What are the Olympics?


The black type of this hard to find fungus grows in the French region of Perigord.

What is a truffle? 


This is a prehistoric site in Brittany that features over 3,000 standing stones spread over 99 acres.  They are believed to have been parts of fields of remembrance used in funerals in the neolithic era. 

What is the Site of Carnac?
