What are the signs of life-threatening bleeding?
BRIGHT RED BLOOD is pooling on the ground.
Overlaying clothes is SOAKED with blood.
Traumatic AMPUTATION of an arm or leg.
Massive Bleeding, Airway, Respiration, Circulation, Hypothermia, Pain, Antibiotics, Wounds, Splinting
What is a blood sweep?
rapid head to toe check for any unrecognized life-threatening bleeding.
A DELIBERATE TQ will be applied by how many inches above the wound?
2-3 inches
Vented chest seals are for treating what kinds of wounds to the chest?
Penetrating wounds
How long does it take to bleed to death from a major artery injury?
As little as 3 minutes.
True or False: You should ALWAYS use the casualty's JFAK FIRST.
How should you position a casualty with severe facial trauma?
Sitting up and leaning forward
TQs need to be applied rapidly, the bleeding should stop within ___ minutes once applied?
one minute
Recommended treatment of suspected tension pneumothorax is what?
Needle Decompression of the Chest (NDC)
For a one person drag, when should you ONLY use a SUPPORT CARRY?
ONLY when the casualty is conscious.
TFC is care rendered when?
When no longer under effective enemy fire or threat.
A casualty without an airway obstruction, you can perform 2 maneuvers.
Head-tilt chin life, Jaw-Thrust
assists with blood-clotting at the bleeding site. control bleeding in conjunction with TQs.
What are the signs/ symptoms of an open chest wound?
sucking/ hissing sound when inhaling, coughing, difficulty breathing, puncture.
When a casualty is unresponsive, you should conduct a what first?
Visual blood sweep
Casualties with these injuries must be treated first.
Massive Bleeding
If bleeding is not controlled with the first TQ, what should you do?
Apply a second TQ side-by-side with the first.
What are the risks associated with improvised TQs?
Damage may occur to skin, bleeding may worsen/ not be completely controlled, loosen over time.
Site selection for a NDC is based on what 2 things?
mechanism of injury AND physical findings
For one-handed application, you normally would use what two types of tourniquets for upper extremities?
Windlass or ratchet TQ
To evacuate a casualty, you must communicate by radioing up a what?
What are some signs and symptoms of SHOCK?
mental confusion, rapid breathing, sweaty, cool, clammy skin, pale/ grey skin, nausea, excessive thirst, previous severe bleeding.
What are junctional areas?
Located at the junction of the extremities and neck with the torso (where the torso connects to the body)
True or False: You can put an NDC through a chest seal.