This Pokémon has the move Hydro Splash
What is Starmie ex
Triple Power:
___, Dodrio, Dugtrio, Exeggutor
What is Magneton
This Porygon-Z card can be pulled from this pack
What is Space-Time Smackdown: Palkia
This Pokémon was used on Blaine Decks and this Pokémon is commonly used in fighting decks, but mostly only one copy
What is Magmarshadow
This is Regice's weakness
What is the Metal type
This Pokémon has the move Psypunch
What is Hypno or Dusclops
Ecosystem of Stark Mountain:
Magcargo, ___, Skarmory, Heatran
What is Rhydon
The card Team Galactic Grunt can be pulled from this pack
What is Space-Time Smackdown: Dialga
This Pokémon is used in certain decks for its utility with the help of its move, Call for Family and this Pokémon has the most amount of reprints so far in the game
What is Combeevee
This is Spiritomb's weakness
What is the Grass type
This Pokémon has the move Pose
What is Glameow
Battle with Champion Cynthia:
Spiritomb, Lucario, Roserade, ___, Garchomp, Cynthia
What is Gastrodon
This Arcanine card can be pulled from this pack
What is Genetic Apex: Pikachu
This basic 70HP Pokémon has a full art in Genetic Apex, Charizard pack and this card is one of the best to use in Stage 2 focused decks
What is Slowpokemon Communications
This is Gabite's weakness
What is nothing
This Pokémon has the move Bother
What is Gengar
Mythical Island Tale of Adventure:
___, Budding Expeditionner, Mew ex (Rainbow), Celebi ex (Immersive)
What is Mythical Slab
This Lumineon card can be pulled from this pack
What is Mythical Island
This Pokémon is used in fighting decks to get rid of low HP targets and this Supporter card was introduced in Mythical Island and has seen more usage than any other one introduced alongside it
What is Hitmonleaf
This is Probopass's weakness
What is the Fire type
This Pokémon has the move Leaf Step
What is Bellossom
Pokémon Super Express:
Dragonite, Rapidash, Zebstrika, ___
What is Arcanine
This Blastoise card can be pulled from this pack
What is Promo Pack A Series Vol. 3
This Pokémon was featured on early versions of Venusaur ex decks, but definitely wasn't the main focus and this Pokémon is one of the cards required to complete the Snorlax Full Art themed collection
What is Metapoddish
This is Gliscor's weakness
What is the Grass type