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Tool Box
Physical Restraints
Things to consider

In order please list the Stress Model of Crisis?

Baseline, Triggering Event, Escalation Outburst, and Recovery


What are the 2 goals of ‘crisis intervention’?

support: provide immediate emotional and environmental support to reduce stress and risk and increase the child’s sense of safety 

teach: help children learn and practice ways to regulate their emotions and behaviors


Setting Condition

Anything that makes challenging behavior and traumatic stress responses more or less likely to happen 


Define Asphyxia

the deprivation of oxygen to living cells


What are the 3 basic processing regions of the tribune Brain Model?





Please list 3 strategies to avoid or end the power struggle.?

listening and validating feelings 

managing the environment (e.g. removing others) 

giving choices and time to decide what to do next 

dropping or changing the expectation


Name the skills that adults need for successful ‘Intentional Use of Self’ with children?

self -awareness 


relationship skills and attunement 



During a potentially violent situation, name 3 aspects of non-verbal crisis communication that staff should consider.

eye contact 

body language 

personal space 

height and gender 

sensitivity to cultural issues


What are the 4 elements of a Potential Violent Situation?




level of stress or motivation


List 2 ways to develop the Cultural Space in an organization or program to decrease the likelihood of challenging behavior or traumatic stress responses.?

develop culturally competent staff 

accept and celebrate cultural differences 

support family connections and involvement 

allow for diverse staff-child interactions


What are the outcomes of the recovery phase?


No Change



Please list 3 non-verbal crisis co-regulation “help me help myself” strategies to help a potentially violent child?

take a deep breath and exhale slowly 

give the child space and time 

use silence if safe, step out of the child’s sight 

assume a neutral stance and concerned facial expression 


List the strategies of emotional first?

co-regulate emotions-be a calm presence

maintain the relationship and lines of communication

Plan and anticipate-Be a coach


Name 2 things we monitor for during restraints?

pressure on the neck or chest 

incorrect positioning of the arms 

obstructing the mouth or nose 

abnormal positioning of the body 


List 2 effects of anger during a stressful situation.?

anger can undermine objectivity 

anger is an emotional and physical state 

cognitive abilities are reduced


Name all the therapeutic milieu space? 







What are the first 3 questions we ask ourselves when facing a potential crisis?

What am I feeling now? 

What does this child feel, need, expect or want? 

How is the environment affecting the situation?


Please list some verbal “what to say” statements you can make when using crisis coregulation “help me help myself” with a potentially violent child?

“I can see…” (affirm and validate the child’s feelings) 

“You look angry. Let’s go for a walk …” (communicate understanding before making a request) 

“I am sorry…” (offer an apology)


What are 3 ways to avoid increasing the risk of injury or death in a TCI physical restraint?

never place weight on a child’s chest, torso, stomach, rib cage or back 

never put pressure on the child’s neck 

never place the head in a position that causes the neck to be compressed 

never allow a child to stay in the prone or supine position once they are no longer a safety risk 

never place a child’s arms behind their back when in a prone restraint 

never bend a child forward or place pressure or weight on the child’s back in a seated position never place anything over or near the child’s face, mouth, or nose that can be inhaled or conform to the contours of the face 

never ignore any of the warning signs of pending asphyxia 

never fail to take immediate action if emergency medical attention is needed 

never allow the child to continue lying or sleeping on the floor after a restraint 

never restrain a child under the age of five make sure the position of the child’s body is correctly positioned as taught in training 


If the child is exhibiting acute physical behavior and is a safety risk, what 3 conditions have to be present to use a physical restraint?

agency policies and state regulations regarding restraint allow it 

the child’s individual crisis support plan prescribes it 

our professional dynamic risk assessment indicates it


Please list all of the Pain-based behaviors?

overreaction to situation

impulsive outburst

trauma re-enactment


running away through anger or fear




Please list 3 of the goals of a Life Space Interview?

provide a sense of emotional safety 

help clarify the event for the child and adult 

repair and restore the relationship with the adult 

help the child learn and use emotional regulation skills 

re-enter the child back into the routine


Please list the steps of a Life Space Interview (LSI) in the correct order?

a. identify a place and time to talk 

b. explore child’s point of view 

c. summarize the feelings and content 

d. connect trigger to feelings to behavior 

e. alternative responses to feelings discussed

f. plan developed/practice 

g. enter child back into the routine


Please list 3 options to manage physical violence that don’t include a physical restraint?

eliminate one of the elements of a potentially violent situation 

use releases and maintain a safe distance with a protective stance 

leave the situation and get assistance


Describe the principles for the Letting Go Process?

states what is expected of the young person 

is directed by the team leader 

is supportive of the young person 

Sets the tone for the recovery process
