Who is involved in the Legislative Branch of the government?
Congress and its two Houses.
What is are checks and balances?
The system that prevents one branch of the government from becoming too powerful.
When can Congress' new law pass into its second House for voting?
After a majority in one house votes in favor of a law.
Where does a law go to if it passes both Houses of Congress?
To the President
How can a law be stopped by the President?
Who is involved in the Executive Branch of the government?
The President, the military, and the police force.
What does the legislative branch do?
Creates and writes laws and amendments.
When is a presidential term over?
After 4 years
Where does an Amendment start?
In Congress
How can we change the Constitution?
By writing an Amendment
Who is involved in the Judicial Branch of the government?
The federal court systems and its two Courts.
What does the Executive Branch do?
It enforces the law.
When can a president be re-elected for a third term?
Where is the official interpretation of the law created?
In Supreme Court
How many votes does an amendment need to pass?
3/4 of the states must vote in favor
Who are the two Houses of Congress?
House of Senators and the House of Representatives
What does the Judicial Branch do?
They officially interpret the law.
When did we ratify the Constitution
September 17, 1787
Where in the Constitution is the powers of Legislative Branch defined?
Article 1
How many amendments have there been?
27 Amendments
Who are the two courts of the federal court system?
The Supreme and Lower Courts
What is required to be president?
A natural born U.S. citizen and at least 35 years old.
When do people participate in government?
Where are the 5 goals of the Constitution outlined?
The Preamble
How does checks and balances work?
By giving each branch the ability to block one another's actions. Like a game of rock-paper-scissors.