During this, panicked British soldiers killed five colonists in an unplanned burst of violence.
What is the Boston Massacre?
In this act, colonists stopped buying imported British goods.
What Townshend Acts?
After many colonists became angry about the Stamp Act, the British government decided to ______________the act or take it away.
What is repeal?
What did the colonists call the laws that were passed to punish them after the Boston Tea Party?
What was the purpose of the Proclamation of 1763?
To protect the Colonists so that the Native Americans didn't attack them for land.
Great Britain enacted this to give American Indians their own land and stop attacks on colonists.
What is the Proclamation of 1763?
Many colonists began to protest, or object to the act that forced them to house and feed British soldiers.
What is the Quartering Act?
This was the meeting of delegates from 12 colonies.
What was the First Continental Congress?
What Act forced colonies to obey Britain?
What is the Coercive Act?
The two sides fighting were fighting over land in this area.
What is the Ohio River Valley?
Great Britian made a ________, or public announcement that American Indians could have the land west of the Appalachian Mountains.
What is a proclamation?
What Act that forced colonists to pay taxes on printer paper was repealed by Parliament after colonists grew angry?
What is the Stamp Act?
Nine colonies sent these representatives to a special gathering in New York.
What are delegates?
Which did NOT feed the anger that led to the Boston Massacre?
The Boston Tea Party because it happened after the Boston Massacre
These two groups fought against each other in the War.
Who are France (with the Native Americans) and Great Britain?
This part of the British Government passed acts.
What is the Parliament?
Many colonists __________________ or refused to buy tea when they were taxed on it.
What is boycott?
The JOIN or DIE political campaign used a snake. Each part of the snake represented what?
What are the different colonies?
This encouraged the British Parliament to pass an Act to force colonies to obey Britain.
What was the Boston Tea Party?
The outcome of the French and Indian war led the British to become...
What is deeply into debt?
The tension between colonists and British soldiers led to many ________________ by the colonists.
This act made colonists provide British soldiers with food, transportation and housing.
What is the Quartering Act?
What was it called when the colonists were upset about being taxed when they had no say in the taxes?
What is taxation without representation?
In the cartoon JOIN or DIE, what was it encouraging the colonists to do?
Groups from different colonies knew they had to work together to stop the British from taxing them because they had no say in making the law. If they did not, consequences could include not only their loss of freedom, but also the loss of life.
A law created or passed by a government