What was being protested during the Boston Tea Party?
Tax on tea
What is the real name of the Intolerable Acts?
Coercive Acts
How long did this war last?
9 years (almost 10 years)
Parliament repealed many acts during this time period. What does repeal mean?
To cancel or undo a law
What did the Quartering Act require of colonists?
Colonists had to feed and house British troops
How many chests of tea were dumped into the harbour?
How did other colonies react to the Boston Port Act?
They supported the Boston colonists with money, food and supplies.
What is another name for this war?
The 7 Years War
Colonists sent delegates to meetings such as the First Congressional Congress. What is a delegate?
A person who represents others at a convention or conference.
What was taxed under the Stamp Act?
Printed papers (newspapers, marriage licenses, playing cards)
How many deaths AND injuries occurred during the Boston Massacre?
5 deaths, 6 wounded
When was the First Continental Congress held?
September 1774
What was the Peace Treaty of Paris and what role did it play in the war?
This was the treaty that ended the war. France gave up all holdings in the colonies.
The Townshend Acts were a tax on goods that were being imported. What does import mean?
To bring into a country, especially for sale.
Why did the Quartering Act anger the colonists?
They had to spend their money to support soldiers and open up their homes to them.
Tell a brief summary of the Boston Massacre.
The Boston Massacre happened when British soldiers shot and killed protesting colonists outside of the Customs House.
What was the Boston Port Act?
An act that closed Boston Harbor until Boston paid for the tea that was lost.
What was the Proclamation Act of 1763 and how did it impact Native Americans?
This was an act that stated the colonists would stay East of the Appalachian Mountains and the Natives could have the territory to the West.
The colonists were very upset about taxation without representation. What does taxation without representation mean and how could Great Britain have solved this problem?
The colonists didn't have a delegate or representative in parliament to speak for them. GB could have brought on representatives to speak for the colonies.
What is one way that colonists showed their disapproval of the Stamp Act?
They protested and boycotted. They threatened tax collectors with violence, they burned paper goods in the streets, they attacked tax collectors.
What did the Tea Act mean for the colonists? What was the law?
Colonists could only buy tea from The British East India company.
What was the conclusion of the First Continental Congress?
The delegates agreed that they would fight against the Intolerable Acts.
Name 3 downsides to the French and Indian War.
Reduced land for the natives, debt, more conflict with the natives, a need for more taxation on the colonists.
The First Continental Congress met to discuss the Intolerable Acts. What is the First Congressional Congress?
The First Congressional Congress was a meeting of 12 delegates from the colonies. They discussed complaints they had about King George III and decided on action steps to address the complaints.
This was a tax on paper, glass, lead, paint, and tea that was being imported into the colonies. It was passed in 1767 after the Stamp Act.