Salvation and Sacraments
The Church's
The Crusades and
The Church's Power
Complete the sentence: The church taught that gaining ____ was ONLY found by following exactly what the church taught and stood for.
What is salvation?
Did Friars live in isolated colonies such as Monasteries?
What is no?
Why were the Crusades fought?
What is Muslims, Christians, and Jews all thought of certain land as a holy site, so they fought for control of it?
What Roman Emperor was baptized and changed the religion of Ancient Rome? What was that religion?
Who is Emperor Constantine? What was the switch between Roman Mythology and Christianity?
Complete the sentence: Books at the time were __ and very __.
What is hand copied and rare?
What did the Church say was the reason for gaining sacraments?
What is sacraments were an important part in gaining salvation?
Who were the lowest rung of the Churches' hierarchy?
Who are monks and nuns?
Why did people undertake pilgrimages during the Middle Ages? What were some of the popular destinations of pilgrims?
What is to show devotion to their God? Where are Rome and Jerusalem?
Complete the sentence: the church was important, as it provided ___, food when people were ___, and gave people ___.
What is leadership, hungry, and stability?
True or false: Entertainment during Medieval holidays and festivals could include plays, bonfires, and acrobats.
What is true?
What was pictured vividly in paintings?
What is Hell?
Who had more power; the Church, or kings? Give an example to back up your claim (only use examples from the middle ages, nothing past it).
What is the Church?
What dangers did Pilgrims face?
What is robbery, lack of shelter, and lack of food?
Who developed the Monastic way of life? Hint: Monastic way of life is being a Nun or Monk.
Who is Saint Benedict?

These were the rulers of Spain during the years of the Spanish Inquisition.

Who are King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella?

What did the Church say happened if you didn't gain salvation?
What is you went to Hell?
True or False: Monks, Nuns, and Friars WERE considered part of the clergy
What is false?
When was the time span between the first and last crusade? Hint: the start of the first to the end of the third. The years.
What is 1095 AD to 1272 AD? Remember, it wasn't one big Crusade, it was a lot of them.
Complete the sentence: By ___ AD, the _____ held the ___ amount of ___ in all of ____.
What is 1050, Roman Catholic Church, largest, land, and Europe?
Complete the sentence: Churches had the shape of a ___. There was a long central section called the __, and two shorter side sections called ___.  
What is a cross, nave, and transcepts?
How many sacraments were there? Name all of them. Hint: There are more than 3. You do not have to explain what they mean, just the names.
What is 7? What are baptism, holy orders, penance, extreme unction, matrimony, confirmation, and eucharist?
Name the positions in the church from highest to lowest and what they each did.
What were the Pope, Cardinals, Archbishop, Bishops, and Priests? The Pope was the Supreme head of the church, a Cardinal assisted and guided the Pope, an Archbishop oversaw large and important areas which were called Archdioceses. Bishops governed Dioceses from their cathedrals, and Preists served local communities inside of Dioceses called Parishes.
Complete the sentence: The ___ were a series of ___, but from a ____ perspective.
What is Crusades, pilgrimages, military?
How did the Church come to wield great political power? Give at least two examples.
What is the Churches’ language  was Latin, which was the widely used language at the time? What is the Church Officials were (at the beginning) often the only ones able to read, so they kept all the written records in the entire continent?
Complete the sentence: Most of the ___ was made for ___ purposes. Murals of ___ and ___ were placed in ___ so people could ___ them.
What is art, religious, Jesus, Christian Saints, churches, and worship?