What does anei te mean?
What are the two meanings of karaka?
clock, orange
What does "te reo Pākehā" mean?
How do you say 'listen!'
Whakarongo mai!
What is the Māori name for the South Island?
Te Wai Pounamu
What does homai te mean?
Give me the/pass me the
What is the kupu Māori for whiteboard?
What does 'kaupapa ako' mean?
school subject
Titiro mai means
Look this way/look at me
Hei patopato tēnei rorohiko means
This computer is for typing
What does "he ____ tāku" mean?
I have _____
What is a makatiti whero
a red stapler
What is Hangarau in English?
Digital Technologies
Hei whakaako tēnei _____
Hei whakaako tēnei kaiako
Ka kī a Haimona "Ringa ki runga" means
Simon says raise your hand(s)
What does "he ____ tāu?" mean?
What is the kupu Māori for computer?
Matua Anaru also teaches... [answer in te reo Māori]
Korikori tinana
Hei ____ tēnei tūru
Hei noho tēnei tūru
Ngāi Tūāhuriri
What does "I oma ahau i tēnei rāhui" mean?
I ran during this lockdown
Name three objects in te reo Māori that you would find in a classroom
•Pene rākau
•Pene papamā
•Pene hinu
"Hei tōku wāhanga tuarua, he Pāngarau tāku." means...
Hei _____ tēnei pukapuka
Hei pānui tēnei pukapuka
How do you say "I like Social Studies"?
He pai ki ahau te Tikanga-ā-Iwi