How do you say “Hello” to one person?
Tēnā Koe
How do you say “I am [your name]”?
Ko (Your Name) tōku ingoa
True or False: The “wh” in Māori sounds like an English “f.”
True! "Wh" is often pronounced like "f".
Say a greeting in two different ways.
e.g., Kia ora, Tēnā koe
Why are greetings important in Māori culture?
Because greetings build relationships and show respect.
How do you say “See you later”?
Ka kite anō
How do you say “I am from Auckland”?
Which Māori vowel sounds like “ee” in English?
"I" (sounds like "ee").
Act out a Māori greeting scenario (e.g., meeting a friend at a sports game).
Students act it out.
What is whanaungatanga, and why is it important?
Whanaungatanga means relationships or connections—it’s important because it helps people feel a sense of belonging.
What is a formal Māori greeting for “Good morning”?
Ata Mārie
Say a full introduction: “My name is ___, I am from ___.”
Ko (your name) tōku ingoa, Nō (where you are from) ahau.
What is the correct pronunciation of “Tēnā koutou”?
"Teh-nah koh-toe"
Introduce yourself in Māori (Greeting and where you are from) to the class!
Students introduce themselves (Ko [name] ahau, Nō [place] ahau).
What does manaakitanga mean, and how does it connect to greetings?
Manaakitanga means hospitality, kindness, and showing respect to others.
How do you say a formal “Goodbye” to someone staying?
E noho rā
What is one reason we introduce ourselves formally in Māori culture?
To show respect and acknowledge connections in Māori culture.
Clap the syllables: Haere rā
Ha-e-re rā (3 claps: Ha-e-re rā)
Pronounce all the vowels correctly A E I O U
What is the name of the formal Māori welcome ceremony?
What’s a more informal way of saying hello?
Kia ora!
Translate: “Nō hea koe?”
Where are you from?
How many syllables in whakawhanaungatanga?
What is the English meaning of our school whakatauki "Eke Panuku Eke Tangaroa"
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What happens in a pōwhiri, and how are greetings used?
In a pōwhiri, there are speeches, karanga (calls), and waiata (songs) to welcome visitors.