he aha te kupu maori mo mum/ aunt
whāea/ māmā
sing the first line of our school waiata Ko te Kāreti o Pukewīwī
Ko te Kaareti o Pukewīwī
kotahi te aporo
1 apple
on my mums side, Im from the south island
I te taha ō tōku mama, nō te Waipounamu ahau
tēnā koe
he aha te kupu maori mo beloved/ lover/ partner
what is the name of our school marae mentioned in our school waiata
Te Ringa Āwhina Marae
wha tekau ma iwa ngā poi
49 poi
Waimirirangi and Wiremu are my grandparents
Ko Waimirirangi rāua ko Wireum ōku kaumātua
good night
he aha te kupu maori mo sister (of a brother) or female cousins
What is the name of the harbour mentioned in our school waiata?
Ko te Manukau te whanga
3 girls
tokotoru ngā kōtiro
Ko Te Aupōuri, Ko Te Rarawa ōku iwi
Te Aupōuri and Te Rarawa are my tribes/ people
farewell (they are staying)
e noho rā
he aha te kupu maori mo nephew/ neice
What is the name of the maunga mentioned in our waiata?
Ko Puketaapapa te maunga
tekau ma wha ōna tau
he/ she is 14 years old
E tipu ake au ki Whangārei
E noho ana au ki Puketāpapa
I grew up in Whangarei
I live in Mt Roskill
farewell (they are leaving)
haere rā
what is the plural of matua (parent)
as a roopu - stand and sing with actions our school waiata
Ko te Kaareti o Pukewiwi
Ko Puketaapapa te maunga
Ko te Manukau te whanga
Powhiritia, Haere mai
Ki te Ringa Awhina marae
my ancestors arrived in NZ in the year 1840
I tae mai oku tipuna ki Aotearoa i te tau kotahi mano, waru rau, tekau ma wha.
Tokoiwa ngā mātua keke, Ko Rāwiri te mataamua
Ko Hēnare pōtiki, Ko Mikaere te tua wha
Ko Mikaere tōku pāpā
9 uncles, Rāwiri is the eldest
Hēnare is the youngest, Mikaere is 4th
Mikaere is my dad
Ahiahi mārie Matua, kei konei ahau
Good afternoon sir, I am here