You use shampoo and conditioner to wash your?
Answer in Māori
Name all the colours of Uenuku (Rainbow), each correct answer will be awarded points.
Answer in Māori
Whero (Red), Karakaraka (Orange), Kowhai (Yellow), Kahurangi (Blue), Kakariki (Green), Poroporo (Violet), Tuauri (Indigo)
He aha ngā kupu pakeha mo 'Tōku', 'Tōna', me te 'Tou'
Mine, His/Hers, and Yours.
Recite a Karakia
Each correct sentence will be awarded points
To be answered...
You need to clip your ______ otherwise they get too long and you can scratch people.
What's the difference between 'Nui' and 'Roa'?
Nui = Big
Roa = Long
What letter do you drop in order to make the pronoun plural?
The letter 'T'
Name the American football star who has recently come out of retirement.
Tom Brady
What are orthotics used for?
Answer in Māori
Matihao (Toes) Rekereke (Soles of feet)
What's the difference between 'Iti' and 'Poto'?
Iti = To be small, tiny, little
Poto = To be short
I have strong legs
1. He kaha ōku wae
2. He kaha ōku waewae
3. He waewae ōku kaha
2. He kaha ōku waewae
Name all the NBA teams that don't end with the letter 'S'
There are four.
Thunder, Magic, Heat, Jazz.
He aha ngā kupu māori mo "Pinky" me te "Thumb"
Kōiti and Kōnui
He has a big chest
1. He nui ōna poho
2. He nui tōu uma
3. He nui tōna uma
3. He nui tōna uma
Who is the host of the Chase?
Extra points if you can name the chasers
Bradley Walsh
The Chasers
Whakapakehatia ngā kupu
- Kauwae/Kauae
- Tuke
- Turi
- Paparinga
- Pakihiwi
Guess the character from the adjectives listed below
Tiwhiri - E kai ōku tarau poto (Shorts)
Bart Simpson
His hair is purple
1. He pāpura tōna makawe
2. He kahurangi ōna makawe
3. He waiporoporo ōna makawe
3. He waiporoporo ōna makawe
What are the meanings of these text acronyms?
- Lol
- Smh
- Lmk
- Nvm
- Omw
- Tbh
- Afk
- Idk
- Btw
- Brb
- Laughing out loud
- Shaking my head
- Let me know
- Never mind
- On my way
- To be honest
- Away from keyboard
- I don't know
- By the way
- Be right back