Course Overview
Attendance & Participation
Written Work
Course Assignments
Michigan State University Policies
This focuses on literary understanding and genres in reading and teaching children's literature.
What is TE348
This may be required to be brought to class for the purpose of taking notes, group work, and individual journal responses. However, there will also be times when this is required to be closed.
What is a laptop or notebook computer?
This should be quality work, both in its content and form. This should always reflect your careful and thoughtful consideration of the ideas we are exploring in the various readings and activities that we use, and you should refer to these where this serves to support your ideas.
What is formal written work?
This grade represents your participation and preparation during class meetings and online as outlined in the course policies on preparation and participation. It also includes the informal commentary and responses that you will do on D2L.
What is our preparation/participation grade?
This can be given, only when may be given only when: The student (a) has completed at least 12 weeks of the semester (6 weeks in the summer session), but is unable to complete the class work and/or take the final examination because of illness or other compelling reason; and (b) has done satisfactory work in the course; and (c) in the instructor’s judgment can complete the required work without repeating the course.
What are incompletes?
This is the literary, social, and pedagogical issues encountered in the study of children's literature.
What is what we will concentrate on in this course?
The sending and checking of email, social networking, searching the Web, or reading or completing tasks other than those at hand in the course will result in this.
What is a negative impact on your participation grade?
This should should be typed in 12 point font, double-spaced, with one inch margins and presented in an edited format (you have checked it for spelling and grammar.)
What is formal written work?
These activities are intended to help you engage with the text and to better understand yourself as a reader. Specifically, each of these activities will help you better understand different response roles that readers can use when they engage with a piece of literature.
What is Focus Chart work?
This policy states that "the student shares with the faculty the responsibility for maintaining the integrity of scholarship, grades, and professional standards."
What is Article 2.3.3 of the Academic Freedom Report?
This is primarily a discussion-based course that encourages ______________ and _________________________.
What is dialogue and an exchange of views?
The preparedness, attentiveness, and your contributions to the class are all included as part of this.
What is our participation grade?
You will be asked to engage in many informal writing tasks. Some of this will be completed in class, but there will be a need to check D2L often to complete reading journals outside of class.
What is informal written work?
These three activities will be the basis of the focus chart grade.
What is ● Focus Chart Journals: each time you read a primary text for our course, you will complete a series of journal entries based on the focus chart that we’re studying at the time (journal prompts will be provided). These journals will be due before class starts. ● Discussion: in class, you will participate in both small group and large-group book discussions. ● Reflection: after class, you will write up a short reflective essay in which you consider the effect that this response role had on your engagement with the text. This short essay will be due a few days after our class meets (see schedule for due dates). The focus on the reflection will be what does this allow you to see and prevent you from seeing?
Students who commit an act of _____________________ may receive a 0.0 on the assignment or in the course.
What is academic dishonesty?
This will require that you read carefully, critically, and deeply.
What is the sharing process?
Of this you are allowed only one. Each additional one of these will result in a reduction in your grade by 5%. Three or more of these may result in a failing grade for the semester.
What is an absence?
This includes ideas and direct quotes from other sources such as websites, interviews, books, articles etc. Please use either MLA or APA formatting styles.
What are citations?
The grade for ___________________ and ___________________ will not only reflect your written work, but also your dialogic engagement with others during conversations; as well as having and using your own physical copy of the book with you for the discussion.
What are journals and reflections?
This is the use of someone else’s words or ideas without giving credit. Using ideas or thoughts from a website or conversation and changing the specific wording STILL constitutes this.
What is plagiarism?
These are three objectives of this course.
What is : ● Respond to literature “as literature” by producing literary and other textually-based responses and evaluations (in contrast to pedagogical uses of literature) ● Foster your knowledge of elements of form and genre, especially with regard to picture books, graphic novels, poetry, traditional literature, fantasy, science fiction, realistic fiction, nonfiction, historical fiction, and biography ● Develop writing and discussion skills that will enhance and extend your engagement and response to literature (i.e. your use of evidence from text to support interpretation, your ability to draw on disciplinary knowledge to enhance argument, etc.)
Two occurrences of either of these will result in one absence.
What is tardiness or leaving early?
This is a resource available to all students that will be invaluable for both editing your papers and ensuring that you have appropriately cited your sources.
What is the MSU Writing Center?
This consists of Semester Project Journals, a Final Reflective Essay, and two short analysis papers.
What is the semester project?
In order to receive __________________________ from the professor, students must have certified eligibility through the Resource Center for Persons with Disabilities (RCPD) located at 120 Bessey Hall.
What are reasonable accommodations?