Hobby after work during the summer
Playing video games
Best subject throughout school
Math (Performed in state wide math competitions)
Last place I traveled to
Charleston, WV
Favorite Color
blue (navy)
Right-handed, left-handed, or both?
Most watched sport in my pasttime
Number of Siblings
3 (sister - 38, sister - 29, brother - 27)
I've been to 44 states. Name one that I have not been to
Michigan, Hawaii, New Mexico, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama
Favorite Dessert - will accept 2 answers (1 was mentioned at last PI Planning, the other was mentioned to Tina once)
Cheesecake (will also accept peppermint ice cream)
Number of bones broken in my life
1 (clavicle)
Instrument I want to learn to play (already own one)
Drum set
Sports I played in High school (2 answers - either counts)
Golf / Swimming
The best state I have visited
Favorite Animal (will accept 2 answers - 1 is generic, 1 is specific)
Sharks / The Mantis Shrimp
My nickname amongst my friends (based on my name)
Strick or Big Strick
#1 activity on my bucket list
The first time I met my now girlfriend (grade in school or age)
5th grade / 10 years old
Number of Countries I have been to
Favorite Language to study
American Sign Language (ASL)
Highschool Senior Superlative
Class Clown
Type of school I plan to attend sometime in the future - nonacademic (2 possible answers)
Culinary school and Aviation school
January 15, 2001 (MLK Day in 2001)
Best country I have visited (2 possible answers)
Switzerland or Italy
Favorite board game (2 possible answers)
Settlers of Catan or DnD
The month I plan on proposing