This leader's favorite singers are Beyonce & Usher.
Ms. Bullen
Ms. Mourning has been in education for how many years?
25 years
Ms. Lisa's favorite basketball team have these players: James Harden, Kyrie Irving, and Chris Chiozza
Brooklyn Nets
Ms. Hall is terrified of.....
Reptials (lizards & snakes)
This teacher's favorite movie is Waiting to Exhale.
Ms. Mourning
I have been a teacher at Excel for the past 5 years.
Ms. Hall
What is my favorite professional football team the New Orleans Saints?
Ms. Bullen
Finish this quote to find out Ms. Bullen's greatest fear.
"An _________breeze puts a mind at ease"
My favorite book as a child was the Velveteen Rabbit?
Ms. Thompson
Ms. Thompson has been teaching for a total of _____years including her 5 years here at Excel Upper.
10 years
Mrs. Hall loves Lebron James but her favorite NBA team is.....
Ms. Lisa is afraid of something that is small, has a tail and four legs, and is oh so cute if you ask Ms. Bullen
This teacher's 2 favorite hobbies cooking & taking walks
Ms. Hall
Ms. London has been teaching for One score and three years. One score and Three years is what number.
Ms. Thompson was part of which high school team?
This teacher is not afraid of paper but simply hates touching it?
Ms. London
One of my favorite food to eat is beef patties?
Ms. V
Ms. Lisa has been in the education field for XXVII years. XXVII is what number?
27 years
This teacher doe not enjoy watching or playing any sport.
Ms. Mourning
Ms. V is afraid of the animal from this quote.
"No ____ soars too high if he soars with his own wings"