Where did Magistra go to college?
What is Miami
Where did Mr. Carlson go to college
What is Ohio wetland u
Where did Mr. Thomas go to college
What is Xavier or Bowling Green
When did Magistra Graduate High School
When is 1992
When did Mr Carlson graduate High School
What is 2018
When did Mr Thomas graduate high school
What is 2009
What is Magistras favorite NFL team
What is detroit lions
What is Mr. Carlsons favorite NFL team
What is The Browns
What is Mr. Thomas’s favorite NFL team
What is Chiefs
How long has Magistra been teaching
What is 29 years
How long has Mr. Carlson been teaching
What is 3 years
How long has Mr. Thomas been teaching
What is 7 years
What is Magistras favorite food
What is gelato
What is Mr Carlsons favorite food
What is steak
What is Mr. Thomas’s favorite food
What is Pizza