Student Conduct
When a student is not in his/her seat by 8:00 am.
What is Tardy?
These are the property of the school, are assigned to store school and personal materials, and it is the student's responsibility to keep them clean, organized, and undamaged?
What are desks and LOCKERS?
The Board permits the use of electronic devices by students during the school day in district buildings; on district property; on district buses and vehicles; and during the time students are under the supervision of the district under the guidelines established by the Superintendent or his/her designee.
What is MTSD electronic policy?
What you need to have in your possession when you leave a classroom during class time.
What is a staff signed HALL PASS or PLANNER?
Seize Opportunities Achieve Results
What is SOAR?
Excuse notes are dropped off here first thing in the morning.
What is the main office?
These are used throughout the building and parking lot.
What are surveillance cameras?
Gives approval for electronic devices to be attached to the district’s wired or wireless network infrastructure.
What is TechMedia?
1. Any activity that endangers the welfare or safety of others 2. Shouting or other actions that disrupt or are distracting to the driver 3. Verbal or physical abuse toward other people 4. Destruction of school or other people’s property 5. Use of vulgar or unacceptable language 6. Smoking or use of matches or a lighter 7. Throwing objects in, around or out of the vehicle 8. Littering
What are prohibited actions on a school bus or vehicle?
There are 8 of these throughout the school year?
What are Early Dismissal days?
You have 3 days to turn in one of these providing the child’s name, grade, date of absence(s), reason for absence, and parent/guardian signature in order to make you absence excused.
What is a note?
Respect Responsibility Rigor Relationships
What is The Raptor Four?
Electronic devices, including cell phones, are permitted on “school grounds, at school-sponsored activities and on buses”. However, during school hours they must be turned off and kept in the locker. Electronic devices should not be used, seen, or heard in school from the time students enter school at the start of the day until dismissal.
What is the LRIS electronic policy?
In this area: 1. Students will find a seat and remain in their seats until dismissed. 2. Students may not break into the serving line or allow others to do so. 3. Students should not beg for food or borrow money. 4. Students must keep voices at a conversational level. 5. Students may not throw anything. 6. Students should deposit all trash in containers provided. 7. Students may not leave without a pass.
What is the cafeteria?
Students’ grades should be posted to the Parent Portal ...
What is weekly
Illness, death in family, family emergency (restrictions apply), educational tours and trips with prior approval, and medical/dental appointmentst.
What are legal excuses?
These behaviors are to be handled by the classroom teacher or staff member witnessing such behaviors.
What are Level 1 behaviors?
Shall not be liable for the loss, damage or misuse of any electronic device
What is MTSD?
Three people that you can talk to if you feel that you are being treated unfairly, being bullied, or have a concern.
What is teacher, administrator, or counselor?
Students are expected to remain quiet and orderly during this activity.
What is a fire/evacuation drill?
Absence for which no explanatory note is submitted within 3 days following the absence, absence with parents’ consent other than those considered excusable, leaving school during school hours and going directly home without the permission of school personnel, all-day or individual class truancy, vacations.
What are unlawful absences?
Level 1 behaviors are to be handled by the classroom teacher or staff member witnessing such behaviors. The behaviors should be noted in e-discipline. Talk with the student about the strike. If behaviors persist, the classroom teacher should talk with the student about the strike and contact parents via phone or email. **Follow-up is crucial until you have made contact with the parent. Schedule a Teacher Detention from 7:20 to 7:50 AM or 3:30 to 4:00 PM (not during the school day). Print teacher detention form via Ediscipline. Student completes reflection form. Teacher discusses reflection form. The classroom teacher should call the parent to advise them that the teacher will keep the student for detention for the purpose of goal setting. The school counselors or psychologist may be a resource for this process. The classroom teacher should phone or email parent(s) to inform them of the goal(s) sheet. An e-mail or note may be sent if unable to reach parents by phone. After two weeks, parent(s) should be contacted regarding the student’s progress on the goals set. Each parent contact should be documented. If Level 1 behaviors have not improved, strike 4 will be issued which will result in a referral to administration
What is the Strike System?
Where you sign out computer labs and carts.
What is DayPress?
The act of being accountable for one’s conduct and obligations. It means understanding and choosing for oneself between right and wrong, and accepting the consequences related to these choices.
What is responsibility?
O, S, N, U
What are effort grades?