Old Testament
New Testament
Book of Mormon
Doctrine & Covenants

Adam and Eve were placed in this garden.

What is Eden?


Jesus called 12 of these to be His witness and preach his Gospel.

What are apostles?


Nephi encountered this servant of Laban and convinced him to accompany Nephi and his brothers into the wilderness.

Who is Zoram?
An individual must show this before being baptized; also the first principle of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

What is faith in the Lord Jesus Christ?


We believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly; we also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God.

What is the 8th Article of Faith?


This prophet had 11 brothers, 10 of which sold him into slavery, they took his clothing and covered it in blood to convince their father an animal killed him.

Who is Joseph?


This prophet was foreordained to prepare the people for coming of Jesus Christ.  He taught in the wilderness.

Who is John the Baptist?


The last Nephite.

Who is Moroni?

This was the jail where Joseph Smith received revelation that the rights of the Priesthood are inseparably connected to the powers of heaven.

What is Liberty Jail?


This modern day prophet dedicated or rededicated 92 different temples, 70 of which while serving as President of the Church.

Who is Gordon B. Hinckley?


When Moses was the prophet, he unleashed a plague on Egypt that turned water into this substance.

What is blood?


Each of these four men wrote an account of the life of Jesus.

Who are Matthew, Mark, Luke and John?


This city was considered the capital of the Nephites.

What is Zarahemla?


This law was established a result of Joseph’s prayer regarding church members use of tobacco.

What is the Word of Wisdom?


This was the age of Joseph Smith at the time he received the First Vision.

What is 14 years old?


This short Old Testament book tells the story of a man who was swallowed by a whale, but survived the experience.

What is the Book of Jonah?


This man was originally an enemy to the church, until he was converted through a vision that left him temporarily blind.  He later went on to write several letters to various groups of people throughout the land testifying of Jesus Christ.

Who is Paul?


This prophet suffered death by fire at the hands of King Noah and his wicked priests.

Who is Abinadi?


The first temple built in this dispensation where members were visited by Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and prophets of old.

What is Kirtland Temple?


The Aaronic Priesthood was restored to the Earth on this day.

May 15th, 1829


The Lord spoke to this prophet and said “before I formed thee in the belly, I knew thee and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and ordained thee a prophet unto the nations”.

Who is Jeremiah?


When Nicodemus spoke with Jesus (in John Chapter 3), he was instructed that in order for a man to enter the Kingdom of God a man must be born of water and of _________.

What is the Spirit?


The Lord told this prophet: “never has a man come before me with such exceeding faith as thou hast, for were it not so ye could not have seen my finger”.

Who is the brother of Jared?


This man was with Joseph Smith when John the Baptist appeared and conferred upon them the keys of Aaronic Priesthood.

Who is Oliver Cowdery?


The Gilbert Temple was dedicated on this date.

What is March 2nd, 2014?
