Drives a car with 300 horsepower
Who is Jared?
Holds an undergrad degree in Animal Science
Who is Mia?
Publications have appeared in leading journals such as MIS Quarterly, Communications of the ACM, and Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association
Who is Sean ('Jon)?
Once drove from College Station to Atlanta Georgia for Mexican food
Who is Deanna?
Holds an undergrad degree from the University of British Columbia
Who is Sam?
Was in a movie and a music video
Who is Amanda?
Has a brother who works for Toyota
Who is Jen?
Who is Dennis (J'oel)?
Was a Longhorn before an Aggie
Who is Sally?
Lamar University Alum (us/a)
Who is Janice?
Has co-authored two articles and a book chapter and has other collaborations underway
Who is Thelma?
Is always happy to chat and make a friend
Who is Meghan?
Loves hiking, horror movies and travel
Who is Kevin?
Attended the same university as Brandon Sanderson, Steve Young and Steven Covey
Who is Ben?
Concrete Blonde sings about this person
Who is Joey?