Chapter 1: What is SLA?
Chapter 2: Krashen's Principles of SLA
Chapter 3: Essential 1 Input
Chapter 4: Essential 2 Output
Chapter 6: Age, Anxiety, & Error Correction

What does SLA stand for?

Second Language Acquisition


Name one of Krashen's 5 principles of SLA.

Acquisition-Learning hypothesis

Natural Order Hypothesis

Monitor Hypothesis

Input Hypothesis

Affective Filter Hypothesis


True or False: Without input, no one can learn a language.



What is the primary purpose of pushed output?

To develop perfect pronunciation
To memorize vocabulary
To produce more accurate and complex language
To reduce anxiety

To produce more accurate and complex language


What is the difference between trait anxiety and state anxiety?

Trait anxiety is a permanent predisposition while state anxiety is situational


What is the difference between bilingual and SLA?

Bilingual means a person is fluent in two languages. Second language acquisition is the process in which a person may become bilingual.


Can L2 and FL be used interchangeably?

Yes. L2 means the second language and FL means the foreign language.


What is the primary way languages are acquired according to Krashen's input hypothesis?

Through grammar exercises
 Through speaking practice
 Through understanding messages
 Through writing tasks

Through understanding messages


What is VanPatten's specific definition of output in SLA?

Language with a communicative purpose


Which type of error should teachers prioritize in correction?

 Local errors
 Global errors
 Minor spelling errors
 Accent errors

Global Errors


What does L1 mean?

A learner's first language (native language)


According to Krashen's acquisition-learning hypothesis, which type of learning is characterized by conscious and formally taught knowledge about language?

Natural Learning, Formal Learning, Implicit Learning, Incidental Learning

Formal Learning


Which factor can block input from reaching the language acquisition device according to Krashen?

 Limited vocabulary
 Poor grammar knowledge
 Negative affective variables
 Lack of formal instruction

Negative affective variables


What are ESL students primarily interested in developing?

Only communication skills
Only grammar knowledge
Both linguistic system and communication ability
Only vocabulary acquisition

Both linguistic system and communication ability


What is the difference between mistakes and errors?

Mistakes are slips in known language while errors reflect gaps in knowledge


Order Krashen's five phases of SLA from earliest to most advanced.

Pre-Production, Early Production, Speech Emergence, Intermediate Fluency, Advanced Fluency


What is the main function of Krashen's Monitor hypothesis?

To facilitate natural acquisition

To process input automatically
To edit and correct language production
To reduce anxiety in learning  

To edit and correct language production


What is the difference between input and intake in language learning?

Input is written while intake is spoken
Input is formal while intake is informal
Input is what learners are exposed to, intake is what they incorporate

Input is from teachers while intake is from peers

Input is what learners are exposed to, and intake is what they incorporate.


What does research suggest about extensive reading and listening simultaneously?

It's ineffective for vocabulary learning

It's effective for vocabulary acquisition
It only helps with grammar
It only improves pronunciation

It's effective for vocabulary acquisition


What is a key characteristic of effective recasts in error correction?

They should be short and focused.


Describe some traits of a student who is in the pre-production phase of SLA.

Student has minimal comprehension

Does not verbalize

Might nod yes or no

Can draw or point to pictures or objects for comprehension


Which of Krashen's principles suggests that grammar points should not be introduced before students are ready to acquire them?

Affective filter hypothesis

Monitor hypothesis
Input hypothesis
Natural order hypothesis

Natural Order Hypothesis


What does Krashen's i + 1 concept represent?

Input that is slightly above the learner's current level


How does Scovel view the Critical Period Hypothesis?

It applies to all aspects of language learning
It only applies to accent acquisition
It doesn't exist at all
It only affects grammar learning

It only applies to accent acquisition


What type of input does Ellis (2015) define as arising from social interactions?

 Non-interactive input
 Interactive input
 Passive input
 Receptive input

Interactive Input
