Theorists/Developmental Stage
Patient Education

The nurse learns that the patient's most dominant mode of learning is through watching the task being performed. The nurse understands this is which type of mode of learning?

What is a visual learner?


A psychosocial development theory which emphasizes the social nature of our development. The theory contains 8 stages, with the first being, Trust Vs Mistrust.

What is Erickson's Theory of Psychosocial Development?


Changing the subject, Giving false reassurance, Providing a Judgmental response, and Defensive responses are examples of?

What is Barriers to communication/Non Therapeutic Communication Techniques?


Biological children and two married parents of different genders.

What is a Traditional Nuclear Family?


When does discharge begin?

What is, 

Discharge begins on Admission. 

Discharge begins as early as possible.


The first step in the Teaching Learning Process?

What is Assessment?

-Learner characteristics and learner needs.


Coordination of senses with motor response, sensory curiosity about the world. Language used for demand and cataloguing. Object permanence is developed.

What is Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development- Sensorimotor?


Using Active Listening, Flexibility, Silence, Open ended questions, Offering self, Restatement and Touch are examples of which type of communication?

What is Effective Communication Techniques/Therapeutic Communication?


Having little or no control over a child's behavior, there are only maybe a few rules in place and no limits are set.

What is Parenting Style- Permissive (Laissez-faire)?


A type of teaching strategy where the patient repeats in their own words what is important and/or gives a return demonstration?

What is the Teach Back method?


Implementing concepts is what level of Bloom's Taxonomy?

What is Application?


Lewin's Theory of Change includes 3 stages. What are the 3 stages and describe what occurs in each of these stages.

What is?

Unfreeze= process of letting go of old

Change= process of changing thoughts, feeling, behaviors

Refreeze= establishing the change as a new habit and as a standard operating procedure


This type of communication can be seen in a dysfunctional family. This type of communication lacks listening. It may include verbal abuse such as name calling and yelling.

What is Dysfunctional Communication?


Parenting with strict rigid rules and expectations. Decisions are made independently by parent with no communication and the decision is final. 

What is Autocratic (Authoritarian) family pattern?


For Teaching Strategies, the nurse understands language should be at or below which reading level?

What is a 6th grade reading level?


Which domain of learning recognizes values, appeals to learner's beliefs, feelings, relationships and attitudes?

What is the Affective Learning Domain?


The nurse is caring for a family who has a 8 yr old school age child, 3 yr old preschool child and the mother is pregnant. The nurse understands that this family is in which Duvall's Developmental Stage?

What is Families With School Age Children?


In this phase of the Nurse Patient Relationship, the Nurse summarizes patient goals which were achieved during the relationship. This is the end of the therapeutic contract and discharge plans are discussed in this phase. This phase can cause a lot of anxiety.

What is the Termination Phase?


The nurse is caring for a child whose parents are reporting the child displaying "acting out behavior," "mood swings", and "thumb sucking". The nurse understandings these behaviors could be?

What is Signs of Stress in Children?


While caring for an elderly patient, the Nurse understands what special considerations for teaching?

What is, good lighting, print materials in large print, ensure the patient has on their glasses/hearing aids (if patient needs them), talk slowly in short sentences and pause frequently, try to keep medical terms to a minimum, ensure to ask if they have questions, make sure to state important points at the beginning, and revisit them at the end of the teaching.


The nurse is caring for a child who is 5 yrs old. The nurse understands teaching should be based on a time frame according to the child's age pertaining to general rule of attention span.

What is 10 minutes - 15 minutes?


The idea in which even if the appearance of something is changed, it is still equal in size as long as nothing has been removed or added to it.

What is conservation?

Piaget's preoperational stage- use symbols to represent words, images, and ideas, which is why children in this stage engage in pretend play. Children in this stage cannot perform mental operations because they have not developed an understanding of conservation.


Characteristics of a healthy family include the most effective type of communication which is?

What is Assertive Communication? This type of communication can be the most effective as it is neither passive nor aggressive, and not manipulative. They ask direct questions, and are relaxed. It also helps to build trust.


A type of family structure where the adults remarry (step family) and bring together families.

What is a Blended Family?


The most appropriate and best time for a Nurse to provide patient education.

What is, when there are no interruptions from visitors, or medical staff, and the patient is not distracted from pain or any other activity.
