The ability to recognize and manipulate sounds in words, such as blending or segmenting phonemes
Phonemic awareness
Teachers support decoding of multisyllabic words
Teach syllable types, syllable division rules, and morphological analysis (e.g., prefixes and suffixes).
Metacognition and why it is timportant for reading comprehension?
Metacognition involves thinking about one’s own thinking processes. It helps students monitor their comprehension and apply strategies to understand text.
writing instruction should be integrated with reading
Through reciprocal skill development
Formative assessment and Summative assessment
Formative assessments help monitor student progress, while summative assessments measure overall achievement.
The recommended approach for teaching phonics (3)
Systematic, explicit, and recursive instruction
Focus of the Frayer Model
Vocabulary Development
graphic organizers support comprehension
Graphic organizers help students visually organize text elements, such as cause-effect relationships, story structure, or main ideas and details.
Approach recommended for teaching Writing
recursive process supporting self evaluation
technology integrated into assessment
digital tools to create interactive assessments, track student progress, and provide instant feedback.
Effective methods for teaching phonemic awareness
segmenting, blending, deletion, and substitution activities
Criteria used to select vocabulary words for instruction
Choose Tier 2 (high-utility words across contexts) and Tier 3 (domain-specific) words essential for comprehension.
Strategies that can improve comprehension of informational texts
Activate prior knowledge, teach text structures (e.g., sequence, cause and effect), and use questioning and summarizing strategies.
Technology supports written expression
Use digital tools for drafting, revising, collaborating, and publishing. Tools like graphic organizer software and spell-check can also aid the writing process.
strategies support diverse learners in reading
Implement differentiated instruction, scaffold learning, use culturally responsive materials, and provide accommodations like audio texts.
The assessment of print awareness
Assessment of print awareness includes asking students to identify parts of a book, demonstrate directionality, and recognize letters and words within print materials.
Instructional strategies that improve oral reading fluency
repeated reading, partner reading, readers’ theater, and providing feedback on accuracy, pace, and prosody.
The key component in supporting comprehension development
Activating and building background knowledge
Strategies that connect reading and writing instruction
Summarizing, annotating, and responding to texts through opinion or narrative writing.
Assessment data is used to guide instruction
formative assessments to monitor progress and identify areas of need. Use data to group students flexibly and plan targeted interventions
Instructional strategy that would help a student who struggles to identify rhymes.
rhyming games, songs, and activities with picture cards to reinforce rhyming skills and phonological awareness.
Strategy that would support a student struggles to understand word meanings while reading
use of context clues and morphological analysis, such as breaking down words into root words, prefixes, and suffixes.
The skill targeted when a teacher asks students to identify the main idea of a paragraph
The Simple View of Writing
Writing is viewed as the product of transcription (spelling, handwriting) and composition (ideas, organization, and grammar).
The assessment practice that is emphasized throughout all content categories
Using data to guide instruction and create flexible groups