Visual schedule
What supports children in learning the daily routines of the classroom?
They are a framework for the behaviors that are expected by everyone in the program, including children, staff and families, when at the site. They are the why behind the rules.
What are expectations?
The ability to identify, understand, and express emotions in a healthy way.
What is emotional literacy?
1. Words
2. Gestures/Sign Language
3. Crying
4. Tantrums
5. Biting
What are five forms of communication?
Nurturing and responsive relationships and a high quality supportive environment.
What do all children need to be successful?
The developmentally and culturally appropriate ability to: Experience, express and manage emotions and to establish positive, rewarding relationships with others.
What is social-emotional development?
Temperament traits are early emerging basic dispositions in the domains of activity, affectivity, attention and self-regulation, and these dispositions are the product of complex interactions among genetic, biological and environmental factors across time.
What is temperament?
Solution cards.
What is a visual teachers can use to support children in finding a solution to their problem?
This is what happens after the behavior.
What is the maintaining consequence?
1. Acknowledge there is a problem. 2. Ask for solution ideas. 3. Give it a try. 4. PDA
What are the four steps for resolving conflicts?
PDA and reflection.
What are the two "close to magic" strategies?
What is the ratio of positive comments to corrections or directions we aim for?
Sharing, helping/caring, and cooperating/socializing.
What are the three friendship skills?
To avoid, to obtain and to express emotion.
What are the three primary functions of behavior?
Intensive individualized interventions.
What are used with children who have very persistent and severe challenging behavior and do not respond to the typical preventive practices, child guidance procedures, or social-emotional teaching strategies that would normally work with most children?
Say what you see (describe the appropriate behavior) and do the YOU.
What are the two components of PDA?
Small groups.
What group size is the most effective for teaching?
Plan, practice, prompt and PDA.
To teach prevention strategies, new skills, and new responses to the challenging behavior along with new responses to the new skills.
What are the goals of a Positive Behavior Support (PBS) plan?
Positive Descriptive Acknowledgements
What is a tier 1 strategy to build positive relationships and connections with children?
1. Acknowledge children's efforts (PDA)
2. Find time to read to an individual child or a few children at a time
3. Make "All About Me" books and involve the family
4. Post children's work around the room
5. Greet every child at the door by name
What are five ideas for making emotional deposits for children in your classroom?
The environment.
What is referred to as the "additional teacher in the classroom"?
The identification with and understanding of another's feelings and situation.
What is empathy?
A process for developing an understanding of a person's challenging behavior and, in particular, how the behavior is governed by environmental events.
What is a functional assessment?
It is an approach that provides a systematic framework that promotes social-emotional development, provides support for children's appropriate behavior, prevents challenging behavior and addresses problematic behavior.
What is the Teaching Pyramid?