Lesson Planning
Instruction Giving
Classroom Management
Teaching Skills (phonics, reading, oral, vocab)

Describe the Engage session of the lesson. 

 This is the stage where you introduce the topic and get the learners' interest.


Give 2 reasons why it is important to have a lesson plan. 

Provides a framework for smooth and efficient teaching.

Provides the students with the necessary structure and direction to receive a relevant and engaging education.

Allows us to map goals and assess achievement of outcomes.

Helps the teacher become more confident and organised when delivering the lesson. 

Enables us to critically reflect on and improve our teaching practice.

Important for co-teaching or in the case that someone else has to take the lesson.


Name a mistake you could make when trying to give clear instructions.

Using complex language

Idiomatic language

Complex grammar

Keep repeating without rephrasing

Missing out words


What is it meant by Classroom Management? 

  • Ensuring that a lesson runs smoothly by holding students’ attention throughout

  •  Encouraging and motivating all students

  •  Preventing and managing possible disruptive behaviour from students 


Why is it important to teach vocabulary to students? 

It’s important to expand student’s lexicon, better their communication skills, develop their understanding of written and spoken English.


Whats the difference between a Lead in and Warmer? 

Warmer - a fun activity used to “wake up” students and make them interested in English and motivated to learn. Warmers are not necessarily related to the topic of the lesson.

Lead in - an activity linked to the theme of the lesson and is used to activate the students' schematic knowledge and their prior knowledge of the topic.


What makes an effective lesson objective?

“Effective objectives describe what students will be able to do in terms of observable behaviour and when using the foreign language”                                  (Shrum and Glisan, 1994:48)


What question should you never ask when checking comprehension?

Do you understand?


Name 3 Key strategies for Classroom Management.

  1. Organising the physical environment

  2. Establishing rules and routines

  3. Using incentives

  4. Establishing caring relationships

  5. Delivering clear instructions

  6. Planning level appropriate tasks


What percentage of lesson time should be filled with student talk time?



What do you focus on during the Study section of the lesson? List 3. 

  • Grammar

  • Vocabulary 

  • Speaking skills and language composition 

  • Phonics 

  • Sentence Structures


Name 3 things that should be included in a lesson plan.

Duration, topic, objectives, target language, activities, resources ect. 


What 2 types of comprehension checking questions can we ask students?

ICQs - Instruction checking questions

CCQs - Concept checking questions


How can you establish Caring Relationships with students? 

  • Mingling with them at recess

  • Showing interest in their interests

  • Chatting and checking in with them at the start of the lesson

  • Showing patience when they struggle

  • Emphasising that it is okay to make mistakes in your class 


Name 2 methods of interactive reading. 


Choral Reading, 




Activate section is split into 2 parts. Can you name both parts? Define both.  

1) Controlled practice - students use the language learnt from the study stage in a controlled way. The focus of this stage is accurate use, pronunciation and understanding of meaning.

2) Free practice - students use the language learnt in the study  stage in a more open way, allowing them to have creativity in what they produce. The main focus of this stage is fluency. 


Improve this lesson objective: 

Students will know more about healthy food. 

Example: Students will be able to identify healthy and unhealthy foods and discuss how to live a balanced lifestyle by giving examples. 


Name an example of a demonstration you could use when introducing an activity


Super sized task

Student demonstration 

Start exercise together

Role play

Teacher demonstrates task


Why might a Students Behaviour be affected during a lesson?  Give 3 possible reasons.  

  • Level of work (too easy or too difficult)

  • Amount of work (too much or too little)

  • Weather 

  • Food and drink

  • Different backgrounds 

  • Outside influences - home life 

  • Connection issue (online lessons)

  • Arguments with classmates 

  • Distractions in their home (online lessons)

  • Special educational needs

and more


What are 2 ways you could improve STT in a lesson?

Use group work and/or pair work, 

Ask open-ended questions, 

Elicit answers, Be patient, 

Ask students to read and explain the instructions,

Avoid excessive explanations.


Tongue Twister and Question Chain are example   activities of what part of the lesson?



What type of words should be used when writing lesson objectives?

Action/measurable verbs, Bloom's Taxonomy words.


What are the steps of the Chatteris 4 step approach to instruction giving?

Step 1: Getting Students’ Attention  

Step 2: Clear and Concise Instructions

Step 3: Demonstrations

Step 4: Comprehension Checks


Senario: If a student continues to misbehave after you have warned the student of the consequences of their behaviour. What are your next steps as a CNET? 

CNET passes the student’s name and information about disruption caused to English teacher or class teacher for further action to be taken.


What is the goal of the 'Decode it' stage of a phonics lesson? 

Phonics lessons need to include ample practice “sounding out” lots of individual words independently.
