Extremely fast reading to locate a detail
What is Scanning
Words that are worth focusing on, both before and after reading the text.
What is High frequency words?
(K1/K2 words; or AWL words for EAP learners)
A teaching strategy where the teacher uses the learners' own words and stories to create a written text for them to read.
What is Language Experience Story?
A benchmarking document with descriptors for ESL literacy. It includes sample tasks, descriptions of levels, outcomes, etc.
What is ESL for Adult Language Learners (ALL)?
Expectation of Reward divided by Effort Required
What is Motivation?
What is skimming
Words that are worth teaching before reading because they are critical to a text or a theme.
What is Key Words?
The beginning sound of a word, and the rest of the the word (e.g., b...ake)
What is Onset and Rime?
Benchmarking document used in Canada for English as a second language learning. It includes tasks, competency statements, outcomes, descriptions of levels, and more.
A vocabulary learning program that allows you to create word lists that are incorporated into flashcards, learning activities, matching games, tests, and more.
Reading word by word at the same speed as one would read aloud.
What is Rauding?
A website that has tools for analyzing the vocabulary profile and key words of a text (along with many other corpus-based tools!).
What is Lextutor.ca?
Using sound-letter relationships to pronounce written words; and using sound-letter relationships to create and write words.
What is decoding and encoding?
What is Assessment FOR learning?
A program that learners can use to improve their reading speed.
What is Spreeder?
Words that learners can recognize without having to sound them out.
What is Sight words?
The percentage of words that should be familiar to learners in Extensive reading texts.
What is 98-99%?
A program that can be used to help learners learn to spell words. It has many phonics-based games.
What is Spelling City?
The task-based type of assessment that is approved in LINC programs.
Portfolio Based Language Assessment
A readability scale that is built into Microsoft Word and that you can use to flag texts that are too difficult to read.
What is the Flesch (or Flesch Kincaid) readability scale?
Reading instruction needs to be ____ (provide 5 out of 7 adjectives, one for each 100 pts).
What is Motivating, Engaging, Relevant, Authentic, Purposeful, Meaning-focused, Strategic
Supports that ESL learners (and most especially ESL-literacy learners) need in order to enable them to accomplish a language task.
What is Scaffolding?
A type of assessment that learners use when giving feedback to their classmates.
What is a Peer Rubric?
(also correct: What is Assessment AS learning?)
Something that all lesson plans need. These help you keep focused and ensure that your plans are useful.
What is Outcomes? (or objectives/goals)