What is the study of the effects of chemicals, physical agents, and biological toxins on living organisms called?
What is the foul-smelling, soupy liquid that forms when rainwater or groundwater mixes with waste at a dump?
What is an urban area characterized by substandard housing, a lack of formal property ownership arrangements, inadequate urban services and high rates of poverty?
What term describes seeking out data that supports preexisting beliefs?
Confirmation Bias
What percent of all all energy used to power modern lifestyles comes from fossil fuels
When a virus finds it difficult to spread to vulnerable targets due to widespread resistance.
Herd immunity
What does the acronym NIMBY stand for?
Not in my backyard
What term describes the challenges and ethical issues planners face when operating on both a local and regional scale?
Planner’s Dilemma
What hypothesis poses that humans possess an innate tendency to seek connections with nature and other forms of life?
This phenomena occurs when a product becomes more efficient and as a result consumption of it rises.
Jevons Paradox
What are synergistic and additive impacts?
synergistic is the effect of a toxin mixing with another compound and becoming more threatening, Additive is the build up of toxins
Waste that occurs in producing a product before it reaches the consumer is considered what?
When a city or suburban area is thought to have an abundance of opportunities and wealth for those that move there.
Bright lights syndrome
What three conditions are in the Triple Bottom Line?
People, Planet, Profit
Name three energy alternatives as well as one method for each.
A: Solar Power - solar panels, Wind Power - wind turbines, Hydro Power - water spinning turbines, Nuclear Power - Uses heat to convert water to steam for turbines, Geothermal Power - wells bringing up hot water (any of above)
What carcinogenic gas can be found leaking into homes?
What percent of the waste stream is managed by incinerators?
Less than 12%
The discomfort someone feels when their beliefs or behaviors contradict each other
Cognitive dissonance
What are the four emotional defense mechanisms?
Denial, Emotional distancing, Resignation, Delegation
What is the original source of all energy in fossil fuels
The sun
How did environmental justice become an issue in the US?
What was the Basel Convention about?
International agreement to regulate transport of hazardous waste (and other waste) across borders
What Act provided $26 billion of funding for more than 41,000 miles of roadways and encouraged the development of suburban communities?
The Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956
What is the full hierarchy Maslow laid out?
Physiological -> Safety -> Love/Belonging -> Esteem -> Self-Actualization
How many years did it take for coal to become the leading energy source for transportation, after oil was commercialized in the 1850s?
100 years