This person is in charge of passing out paper and supplies when asked. They should do so quickly and for one half of the room
Paper and supply
How do you enter the computer lab?
1. Quietly, without voices
How long should it take for the class to turn off their voices when Ms. Purcell is asking for attention?
3 seconds max
When is it appropriate to go to the bathroom?
Before school
after school
I'm far behind on an assignment or I was absent. I don't know how to catch up. What should I do?
1. Ask a friend for help
2. Talk to Ms. Purcell what is most important
3. Work hard to catch up!
This person stands at the front of the line and leads the class to our next destination.
Line Leader
How should I behave when I'm checking out a book at the library?
1. Looking for a book at my level
2. Asking for help
3. Not talking to friends
4. Reading at a table
Ms. Purcell asked me to complete the following tasks. What order should I do them in?
Nitro type
Finish my essay
Finish my essay
Nitro Type
If you have to use the bathroom, what do you do?
1. Ask the teacher if its an appropriate time to go
2. If yes, change your name on the Where Are You chart?
3. take a bathroom pass
4. return to class quickly and quietly
What is Ms. Purcell's email?
What does the operator do?
Answer the phone when it rings, saying "Room 18 Student speaking."
How can I show respect to Ms. Worth, Ms. Dewitt, and Mrs. Yerrik?
1. listen when they talk
2. no side conversations
3. completing the task they ask me to
4. not talking back
I'm having a bad day and feel like I'm about to explode. I should:
a) take it out on the person sitting next to me
b) yell and start a fight
c) talk over the teacher
d) tell the teacher I need a break
And use the thinking corner :)
When is it ok to get water?
1. Recess/Lunch
2. Before a lesson
3. After PE
4. ASK!
True or false: I should treat the lunch/yard duties with less respect because they aren't "real" teachers
FALSE. Respect all adults at LJE.
How does the errand runner do their job?
1. take things to the office or another classroom
2. walk quietly in the hallway
3. don't hang out with friends/ play in the bathroom
When is a good time to go book shopping in the classroom library?
Beginning of the day, end of the day, if appropriate during Reader's Workshop
When should I sharpen my pencil?
1. Beginning of the day
2. End of the day
3. During worktime
What is Mrs. Lutz's baby's name?
John Charles the Third
What are the three jobs the chromebook person must complete?
1. Check all chromebooks are in the case.
2. Plug all chromebooks in.
3. Lock the case
I didn't complete my homework for almost a week. What consequence am I likely to receive?
1. Working at recess
2. A note home
3. I didn't learn :(
Ms. Purcell is absent and we have a sub! How can we show the sub we are the best class at LJE?
1. Listening
2. Not talking over the teacher
3. Following directions the first time
4. Treating the teacher like they are Mrs. Lutz!
I should not sharpen my pencil when
1. class discussion
2. Ms. Purcell is giving directions
3. in the middle of a lesson
When is the talent show?
April 19th at 6pm