Barbie's Full Name
What is Barbara Millicent Roberts?
Most LEGO figure heads are missing this feature from their faces
What is a nose?
The acronym ASD refers to this neurodevelopmental condition
What is Autism Spectrum Disorder?
This action-movie star went on to become the governor of California
Who is Arnold Schwarzenegger?
This iCarly star attended UCSB
Who is Jerry Trainor?
The year the first Ken doll made an appearance
When is 1961?
The language LEGO comes from
What is Danish?
This condition, included in the Neurodiversity Movement, affects the ability to read, write, and spell accurately
What is Dyslexia?
The highest-grossing movie of all time (NOT counting for inflation)
What is Avatar?
This floor of the UCSB Library has no study spaces
what is the Third floor?
The name of the prince (and love interest!) from Barbie in Swan Lake
Who is Prince Daniel?
The first real-life people to be made into LEGO figures
Who are NBA Basketball Players
The term "Neurodiversity" was coined in this decade
When were the 1990's?
The first ever feature-length animated film
What is Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs?
This popular Minecraft YouTuber dropped out of UCSB
Who is CaptainSparklez?
The first full-length animated Barbie movie, which was released in 2001
What is Barbie in The Nutcracker?
This Star Wars character was the first LEGO figure with a unique head shape
Who is Jar Jar Binks?
The creator of this famous toy and game company had autism, and was fascinated by bugs and insects
What is Pokemon?
This famous Los Angeles landmark was used in La La Land
What is Griffith Observatory?
Our mascot before becoming the Gaucho
What is the Roadrunner?
This animal companion appeared alongside Sagi and Azul in Barbie as The Island Princess
Who is Tika the Elephant?
The largest LEGO set ever sold, with 5922 pieces, is based on this real-world cultural site
What is the Taj Mahal?
The year the first DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) was published
When was 1952?
The name of the shark-hunting boat in JAWS
Embarcadero Hall is built on the site of this building, which was burned down by STUDENTS in 1970
What is the Bank of America?