This song helped ABBA win the Eurovision song contest in 1974 for Sweden.
What is Waterloo?
Shelob is this type of creature.
What is a spider?
In the movie "Paul Blart: Mall Cop", this is why the overweight woman attacks Paul at the lingerie store.
What is he tells the woman he understands how hard it is to be overweight?
This is the Wookiee's home world.
What is Kashyyyk?
Pronounced "kah-SHEEK"
This is dubbed the "Kings of Sports".
What is Soccer?
These tartan teen sensations from Edinburgh had a hit with Bye Bye Baby in 1975.
Who are the Bay City Rollers?
Andúril is wielded by this character.
Who is Aragorn?
Mowgli has made two new friends, a young boy called Ranjan. This is the name of the girl he befriends.
What is Shanti?
This is the species that stole the plans to the Death Star.
What are the Bothans?
This team is always up to bat first.
What is the visiting team?
This artist was known by his glam rock alter ego ‘Ziggy Stardust’ in the 1970s.
Who is David Bowie?
This is the name of Sauron's fortress in Mordor.
What is Barad-dur?
This actress portrays Aileen Wuornos in the movie "Monster".
Who is Charlize Theron?
These are the odds C-3P0 gives Han for successfully navigating the asteroid field.
What is "3,720 to 1"?
This country has competed the most times in the summer Olympics without winning any medal at all.
What is Liechtenstein?
This rock singer sang uncredited backing vocals on Carly Simon’s song ‘You’re So Vain’.
Who is Mick Jagger?
This is the name of the Elvish waybread.
What is Lembas?
In the movie "Because I Said So", this is what the Wilder girls like to do?
What is sing?
This is the name of Boba Fett's ship.
What is "Slave 1"?
This is the only team in the NFL to neither host nor play in the Super Bowl.
Who are the Cleveland Browns?
This famous British band released their final album in 1970?
Who are the Beatles?
This is who Sauron served.
Who is Melkor or Morgoth?
This was the top grossing film of the 2000 – 2009 decade.
What is Avatar, grossing $2,713,395,000?
The writing on Darth Vaders chestpiece is of this language and translates to this.
What is Ancient Hebrew. It translates to, "His deeds will not be forgiven, until he merits."?
This player was considered one of the greatest rebounders of all time, this player was also known for his bad boy image and for being the All-Star MVP in 1991.
Who is Charles Barkley?