Blame Biology
Down to Earth
Science Fiction
The DNA of Music
Down the...Drain?

This is the most common element in the human body

What is Oxygen? 



This is the hardest substance on Earth

What are Diamonds?


This is the color of blood when its still inside your body

What is Red?
A popular myth will have you believe it's blue


In her song "Can't Be Tamed", she sings "it's set in my DNA"; her dad, Billy Ray, passed down to her some of that genetic code

Who is Miley Cyrus 


A family-owned port-a-potty business since 2003, its name is "yes yes" in French

What is Oui Oui?

Humans share about 50% of their genes with this fruit

What is a banana?


This is the true color of the sky

What is Purple?
As far as wavelengths go, Earth's sky is really a bluish violet. However because of how the human eye interprets, we see it as blue


If you have a cold, you should avoid which of the following.
A. Dairy
B. Orange Juice
C. Hot Toddies

What is Orange Juice?

Contrary to popular belief, dairy does not increase phlegm.
Orange Juice is very acidic, and can often irritate an already inflamed throat


A Kidz Bop version of her 2017 song opens "I just took a DNA test, turns out I'm 100% that kid"

Who is Lizzo?


A port-a-potty business for over 30 years, it's also a poker hand consisting of the five highest cards of one suit

What is a Royal Flush?


This is the loudest animal on Earth

What is a Sperm Whale?

This Whale's call has been measured at over 230 decibels. That's two times louder than a chainsaw


This is the name of the famous comet that passes by the Earth every 76 years.

What is Halley's Comet?


Contrary to popular myth, Humans actually utilize this percentage of their brains

What is 100%?

Commonly thought to be just 10%, disproved by OECD


This boy band kicked off their DNA World Tour in 2022; they sang "I Want It That Way" & other hits

Who are The Backstreet Boys?


Finally, I've been holding it in forever; it's what the WC stands for on this port-a-potty

What is a Water Closet?


A vestigial organ is a part of the body that no longer serves any purpose, as we've evolved beyond the need or it. Name one human vestigial organ.

What are the Wisdom Teeth, Appendix, Tonsils, Sinuses, and Coccyx?


This is the deepest recorded place on Earth

What is the Mariana Trench 

35,876 ft. (10935 m) deep. That's the same as 130 Iowa State Capitol buildings stacked on top of each other


This widespread myth is actually true

A. Your hair & fingernails keep growing after you die
B. All bananas sold are clones
C. A watermelon seed can grow in your stomach
D. Bulls hate the color red

What is B?

Edible bananas are actually the result of a genetic mutation in nature. Wild bananas exist but are filled with hard seeds that make them inedible


For their hit song "DNA", this K-pop band released a video in which they dance and form a double helix

Who are BTS?


A break at the Indy 500, it's also the name of public toilets used in San Francisco since 2014

What is a Pit Stop?


Mammals don't lay eggs - except for two species. Name one of them.

What are the Platypus and the Echidna?


The largest earthquake ever measured was a 9.5, which happened in 1960 in this country.

What is Chile?


Located in the Southern Hemisphere, this is the largest desert in the world.

What is Antarctica? 


"I got, I got, I got, I got loyalty, got royalty,
inside my DNA" is a lyric in a 2017 rap hit by this Pulitzer winner

Who is Kendrick Lamar


Based in Eau Claire, WI, this port-a-potty company shares its name with the target where a skydiver lands

What is the Drop Zone?
