The Royal Family is NOT allowed to play this board game
What is Monopoly?
What is a type of Catapult?
Atlantic and Pacific Oceans join
Where is The Panama Canal?
What is a Apple?
How many children did the Queen have?
This place inventd the Wheelbarrow
Where is China?
Westernmost city in Aotearoa
What in Invercargill?
Kei te pēhea koe?
What is how are you?
What year did Elizabeth II become Queen of England?
Celebrated a Diamond Jubilee (other than Queen Elizabeth II)
What is in Poland?
Mōrena, Ata mārie
What is morning/good morning?
The Queens full name
Who is Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor?
What is the scientific study of insects?
Purchase Square Watermellons
Where is Japan?
What is a gift/donation/contribution?
17th Century
Trojan war duration
How long is 10 years?
Longest Mountain range
Where is The Andes?
What year did Te Reo Māori become an official language of Aotearoa?