The system we use to refer members to case management when they have Cigna
What is ICMS?
This is Cigna's enterprise knowledge management and knowledge sharing platform, where you can find information from different sources including Renaissance and much more
What is Knowledge Xchange?
A tool used for targeted behaviors to guide customers and help us prioritize
What is the EBG?
Powered by FindHelp, an online directory of free and reduced cost programs to locate national and local resources for customers in need.
What is "Cigna Community Resources"?
You select this option after clicking the "Request/Tasks" top bar to enter a note on One View using the Universal Tracking Form
What is "universal"?
The process we use to refer members to case management when they have Allegiance
What is the referral form?
You enter this in the search box of Knowledge Xchange
What is a question?
Assessments used to trigger condition specific goal categories in the roadmap.
What is GTKY or HMIHY?
Economic stability, education, health and health care, neighborhood and built environment, social and community context
What are the domains of SDOH?
To do this in One View – You select the provider tab and then select "providers" option
What is "find a provider"?
This assessment should be completed on any member with a chronic condition by call four and will help you assess for collaboration and needs for your customer
What is the PreVue tool?
You can use any of these to narrow your search on KnowledgeXchange
What is a "filter"?
Proper goal documentation format.
What is a SMART goal?
Any customer who participated in or has agreed to participate in coaching or case management is eligible for a referral to this program/resource
These opportunities can be identified through Guide Me in OneView or through conversation with the customer
What is "Next Best Action" / NBA
The PreVue tool needs to be re-done when this happens
What is a change in condition?
Search like you speak, use descriptive terms and search often
How do I search in KnowledgeXchange?
Goals must match and be accurately documented in HEV in these two places
What is the Facts Tab and the Note?
To do this on HC360, you search for the customer, go to referral tab, and click on create a referral
What is "creating a referral"
Wellness reward information is here in One View
What is the "motivate me" button?
You can check these in CCV under program eligibility
What is a gap in care?
This feature on KnowledgeXchange provides quick access to your most commonly used articles, but is not intended to replace searching for current knowledge
What is "bookmark"
Customer reports completing all activity identified to mark 100% completion of the stated evidence based goal
What is Goal Met?
A technique to ask open ended questions to assess for SDOH
What is motivational interviewing?