How is individual fitness planning beneficial?
Allows one to state their goal and the steps needed to get there. (answers may vary)
Give an example of a sport that needs the accuracy fitness component.
Answers may vary
What is one thing Canada's Food Guide recommends?
water, vegetables, fruits, proteins, and whole grain food
What are some illegal substances?
answers may vary
Should you drink and drive?
What should always be with you when working out?
Running, biking, and swimming are which health-related component of fitness?
Cardiovascular Endurance
What are the two categories of nutrients?
Macronutrients and micronutrients
What is the legal drinking age in Ontario?
19 years old
Abstinence definition
Self-enforced restraint (usually against physical or pleasurely wants)
Skill related fitness components
agility / balance / coordination / speed / power / reaction time
Think of one short and long term goal.
(1st to write it down and show it wins)
What are Nutrients?
A substance that provides nourishment essential for growth, development, and the maintenance of life
True or False: Stimulants speed up the central nervous system.
During CPR when should you stop?
When AED is ready to be used, when you see signs of life, when the emergency service person takes over, when the area becomes unsafe
Health-related fitness components
cardiorespiratory endurance / muscular strength/ muscular endurance / flexibility / body composition)
What does each letter in the smart goal stand for?
S= specific M= measurable A= attainable R= realistic T= timely
What is a social or environmental factor that can impact our food and beverage choices
economic, culture/religion, media influence, social support, accessibility, health, sustainability, food policies, and education
Which classifications of Substance does Cannabis fall under?
Stimulants, Depressant, and Hallucinogens
What is the definition of consent?
When one person agrees to or gives permission to another person to do something. (answers may vary)
What is a vigirous activity
Physical activities that cause breathing and heart rate to increase to a higher level, making it difficult to talk.
What does the F.I.T.T Principle stand for?
F= Frequency I= Intesity T= Type T= Time
sWhat is a "holistic Approach"
A holistic view means that we are interested in engaging and developing the whole person
How can Substance Missuse impact you Socially? (Write it down and show it to us)
answers may vary
In Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) you must do _______ compressions and _________ breaths?
30 compressions and 2 breaths?