What are Jennifer's cat's name?
What country and state is Ronke from
Nigeria, Ekiti
What was Mark's Taylor Swift outfit?
sparkly dress and sneakers
What is Amanda's favourite season?
What section of the ACT talks about our grounds for removal?
What is Jennifer's most well-known pet peeve.
When people are grammatically incorrect.
Allie's cats names
Burgers and Ketchup
What is Mark's favourite movie?
How old is Ella
On our investigation letter and in the Act, it speaks about two sections;
Investigation of circumstances and;
Powers of the Direction, investigation.
What section number is this?
14 (1) & (2)
What types of dogs does Antony have?
German Shepard- Indigo
Golden Retriever- Peach
Allie has her _________ license.
a) firearm
b) motorcycle
c) fishing
What is Tracy Lynn's cat's name?
Mignone Ennuy
What are Amanda's children's names?
Claire, Penny, Alice, Audrey
What section of the Act talks about the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child?
Section 8
How many years did Antony play on the same soccer team in England
10 years
Ronke's favourite colour
Sky blue
What is Tracy Lynn's favourite sport?
Ella's least favourite type of file to deal with
Domestic Violence
The date that our new CYFSA was enacted
September 9, 2024
What is Jennifer's middle name?
What is one of Ronke's children's names?
What other race is Mark other than caucasian?
Columbian/South American
What is the month and year that Amanda started with us?
Clients need to be served with notice of the preliminary hearing at least ____ days before the hearing
4 days