There is a new growth opportunity available to you. Which one is that new position?
Multimedia Creative (Video Editor)
Updated resume in English
Internal Application Link
What is the purpose of archiving the Kudos channel?
The purpose of this is to revamp the existing kudos channels and make the process easier to use. The channel’s workflows are open to be used by all roles, which means everyone can recognize anyone.
Who from the team, has an avocado emoji at Slack? (2 possible answers)
Car and Nar
Which are the Approved Stock Websites?
Adobe Stock, Unsplash, Pexels, FreshStock (and Envato for MG/VE POC Creatives)
When fonts are available at Adobe and Google Fonts, what do we need to do?
Always use Google Fonts to deliver to Customers whenever available.
What is the drink that Thomas suggested the other day?
Avocado Smoothie 🥑
Which is the difference between an ECR and a Batched request?
ECR: it's when design is not yet ready for customer’s review or approval, ECR is used. And email must be sent to inform about the progress and upload the ZIP file in a note.
Batch: The design is finished and ready for QR. The set of design(s) of the Request is Complete and ready for Customer’s Review.
What does the bullet point icon mean in a request with the new update on DPP?
The bullet point means: the Customer has written the instructions.