What is Daily Management?
Structure query language
What is SQL?
Largest plannet in our solar system.
What is Jupiter?
What is Core Value Drivers?
Year that apple released the first Iphone
What is 2007?
Fastest animl in the world
What is a Cheetah?
What is Countermeasure?
The first high-level programming language
What is Fortran?
The only planet that rotates on its side?
What is Uranus?
What is Plan-Do-Check-Act?
Security system that controls and filters incoming and outgoing network traffic based on predefined security rules.
What is a firewall?
Animal known to laugh and has been proven to have a sense of humor.
What is a rat?
Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu y Shitsuke.
What is 5S?
The Father of the computer.
Who is Charles Babbage?
The smallest country in the world by land area
What is Vatican City?