Restaurant slogan "Eat Fresh"
What is Subway
Dunder Mifflin in Scranton, Pennsylvania
What is "The Office"
What year did Facebook launch
What is 2004
What is the highest-grossing film of all time
What is "Avengers: Endgame"
Who painted the Mona Lisa
Who is Leonardo da Vinci
What is the most common eye color in humans
What is brown
What was Beaver Cleaver's real first name on "Leave It to Beaver?"
What is "Theodore"
What year was the first iPhone released
What is 2007
What was the first Pixar Movie
What is Toy Story
How many people have walked on the moon
What is 12
Which athlete has won the most Olympic medals
Who is Michael Phelps (28 medals)
Jennifer Garner and Bradley Cooper got their big breaks in which TV Show
What is "Alias"
Which university did Microsoft founder Bill Gates drop out of
What is Harvard
In Disney's "Cinderella", what are the names of Cinderella's two stepsisters?
What is Anastasia and Drizella
Who was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize
Who is Marie Curie
What is the national animal of Scotland
What is The Unicorn
The over 240- year-old vampire known as Angel first appeared on this TV show
What is "Buffy the Vampire Slayer"
Originally, Amazon only sold what kind of product?
What are Books
How many Oscars has Meryl Streep been nominated for?
What is 21 (she's won 3 times)
Which American president is in the Wresting Hall of Fame?
Who is Abraham Lincoln
What is the name of the largest desert in the world
What is Sahara Desert
Peter Capaldi replaced Matt Smith as the Time Lord on this British Tv series
What is "Doctor Who"
As of 2019, what is the most popular car color in the USA
What is the color white
How many children are in the Von Trapp family in "The Sound of Music"
What is 7
in his 1964 State of the Union address, Lyndon Johnson declared an "unconditional war on" this "in America"
What is poverty