Fun with Features
Pipe Dreams
Milestones and Metrics
Audit Stories
Why the Other Teams Shouldn't Win

Jose is woken out of bed yet again by this notification when there is a sprinkler crisis and two chillers are down at TAMIU.

What is a Service Request?


The next upsell opportunity for MGM involves positioning ourselves adjacently to this software. If you don't see it spelled, the name may confuse you.

What is HotSOS?


Despite an ample food and beverage spend, MGM is a truly delighted client who's recurring service was delivered above this Gross Margin.

What is 50%?


The record number of buildings audited in a single day or the number of Celsius Jeff Bowen drinks on the average Monday.

What is 13?


This region, while incredibly engaged in CAP in 2024, also supports the Buffalo Bills and should be shamed rather than rewarded.

Who is the East Region?


When Chuck wants to hide how much money he's actually spending at the Vegas properties, he'll share these with all the regional sites.

What are Customized Dashboards?


An early 2025 frontrunner in the private sector who has an unhealthy obsession with Jess Davis.

Who is Young Life / Chad Green?


The number of CAP projects that have already been sold, upsold, or onboarded into our new platform prior to the platform even getting to the "Demo Go Live" milestone.

What is 8?


This person has been known to have a travel curse. American Airlines always makes sure to get him where he's going... just maybe a day or two late

Who is Micah?


This region, known for being a revolving door for Regional Managers, also contains more shortfall dollars than all of the shortfall dollars in all of the other regions worst nightmares combined.

Who is the Midwest Region?


When you're in the middle of San Felipe Del Rio with zero cell service and trying to place an asset with GIS, you'll be happy to have this new feature for locating assets.

What are Floorplans?


Barry Wehmiller, a potential global CAP client with 44 global locations, specializes in manufacturing this type of product.

What is packaging?


Despite the CAP platform not existing more than 5 years ago, the amount of replacement costs tracked for our growing client base just surpassed this milestone.

What is $750 Million?


This person decided they were "too cool for school" and were left out of the audit on their very own high school.

Who is Andi Zirpoli?


This region has historically been resistant to Client Services, has a traitor for a sales leader, and doesn't believe in Daylight Savings.

Who is the West Coast Worst Coast?


This new in-platform feature will be used to create easily exportable deliverables instead of relying on the almighty power of Excel.

What is Report Builder?


This global opportunity in our pipeline is a real estate investment, operating, and development company who's CAP project could eclipse MGM in scope and scale.

What is Quadreal?


The number of PC projects where the development teams are actively using CAP right now to sell the project.

What is 4?


It is speculated someone fell asleep in their car during this audit.

What is TAMIU


This region had all the potential in the world with 2 Client Partners, 80 PAC's, and a fertile market but the Regional Manager was on an ocean for 90% of the year.

Who is the Southeast Region?


After months of headache and waiting, with the release of the Phone app, this piece of equipment is no longer mandatory. 

What are Ipads?


Founded in 1937, this potential CAP client was originally a bingo club.

What is Caesars?


1,012 Hours and Counting.

What is the amount of time spent by the Digital Services team identifying, crafting, and negotiating for our new CAP platform that directly impacts orders and services in all Regions and opens up a new market while creating a robust pipeline of PC projects?


This article of clothing is in the Digital Services Hall of Fame as a hilarious casualty during an audit at which time "oranges went everywhere".

What is Ron Taglieri's pants?


This region had an epic order that will change our business for the next 10 years that was sold thanks to a relationship and opportunity created and crafted by someone in the Digital Services team 2 years ago.....

Who is the South Region?
