What's FunnyBunny's real name?
Jessica or Jess!
How many teams are there?
How do you become a moderator?
Who owns the discord server?
What's FunnyBunny's ROBLOX username?
What's FunnyBunny's old ROBLOX username?
Who are the leaders of the blue team?
Mads & Shan
Who is the leader of the moderators?
Rae or FunnyBunny
How many members are there in the server?
~ 4 900
What's the most popular ROBLOX game?
Adopt Me!
How old is FunnyBunny?
How long does Team Week typically last (From sorting to last event)
Usually 2 weeks (1 week of sorting, 1 week of events)
Which moderator is hosting Team Week?
Kristian / Via
Does FunnyBunny have a co-owner role in her server?
The next highest ranked person is Rae
Where do we host our events?
Event centre
How many subscribers does FunnyBunny currently have?
~ 242 000
Which team won the first team week?
Blue (Tidal Waves)
Who's been a moderator for the longest?
Kristian / Via
What was the last giveaway that Kristian hosted?
How long was ROBLOX down for during October's outage?
3 or 4 days
When was FunnyBunny's first video posted?
May 29, 2019
How many members are part of the Team Week Committee? (Including Kristian)
14 (8 team leaders, 4 hosts, 2 sorters)
How many moderators do we have? (Including Rae)
When was the server founded?
October 30th, 2020
When was ROBLOX founded?