This hand signal is used when it does not indicate any threat of immediate danger
basic fire-team formation
Wedge Formation
more secure and easier to control
Successive Bounds
Used in more open areas
It is difficult to control, especially in restrictive terrain.
What is METT-TC?
mission, enemy, terrain, troops available, time, and civilian considerations
20 meters between squad leader and either team
Squad Traveling
Used when navigating denser terrain
Used when navigating denser terrain
File Formation
What does SPORT stand for?
Slap, Pull, Observe, Release, Tap and Shoot.
Contact is possible
Squad Traveling Overwatch
A known LDA is one that is depicted on the map and that you plan on crossing either going to or coming from the objective.
It facilitates rapid deployment into other formations.
Vee Formation
RULE 1: Treat Every Weapon as if it Loaded
RULE 2: Never point the weapon at anything you do not intend to engage
RULE 3: Keep your finger straight and off the trigger until ready to fire
RULE 4: Ensure positive Identification of target and is surroundings
4 rules of weapons safety
Which movement does the squad leader usually stays with the overwatch team.
Squad bounding overwatch
A rally point is. a place designated by the leader where the unit moves to reassemble and reorganize.
It provides maximum firepower to the front and rear, but minimum firepower to the flanks.
Line Formation
Basic color on a military map and meaning
more rapid of the two methods
Alternate Bounds