Category 1
Category 2
Category 3
Category 4
Category 5

Communicating with students, staff and parents in a clear, effective and professional manner.

Knowledge 2.5 - Demonstrates proficiency in the language of instructions. 


Teaching and learning in a holistic manner that honours the students mental, spiritual, emotional and physical aspects of self.

Curricular 4.2 - Demonstrates the ability to incorporate First Nations, Metis, and Inuit knowledge, content and perspectives into all teaching areas. 

Modelling appropriate and professional digital communication.

Knowledge 2.6 - Demonstrates ability to use technologies readily, strategically, and appropriately. 


Using appropriate language and being aware of slang and stereotypical terms. 

Professionalism 1.1 - Demonstrates that ability to main respectful, mutually supportive and equitable professional relationships with learners, colleagues, families, and communities. 


Ensuring unit plans and lessons are relevant and incorporate the appropriate outcomes and indicators. 

Curricular 4.1 - Demonstrates knowledge of Saskatchewan curriculum and policy documents and applies this understanding to plan lessons, units of study and year plans using curriculum outcomes as outlined by the Saskatchewan Ministry of Education. 


Observing and learning from a variety of collaborating teachers and attempts to implement into your teaching. 

Knowledge 2.7 - Demonstrates ability to strive for and pursue new knowledge. 


Ensuring lessons are free of grammatical and spelling errors, including on board, written documents and other materials provided to students and colleagues. 

Knowledge 2.5 - Demonstrates proficiency in the language of instruction. 


Discussing appropriate communication methods with the collaborating teacher: when parents are contacted, how are they contacted, how the student is involved in the process. 

Professionalism 1.2 - Demonstrates ethical behaviour and the ability to work in a collaborative manner for the good of all learners. 


Incorporating Treaty resources in the classroom. 

Curricular 4.2 - Demonstrates the ability to incorporate First Nations, Metis, and Inuit knowledge, content, and perspectives into all teaching areas. 


Planning with collaborating teacher before beginning a lesson or topic.

Professionalism 1.2 - Demonstrates ethical behaviour and the ability to work in a collaborative manner for the good of all learners.


Attending professional development, reading about topics, and participating in professional learning community.

Professionalism 1.4 - Demonstrates a commitment to service and the capacity to be reflective, lifelong learnings and inquirers.


Making connections to what the students are learning or have learned in other subjects and grades.

Knowledge 2.3 - Demonstrates knowledge of a number of subjects taught in Saskatchewan schools.


Finding and incorporating English as an Additional Language resources.

Knowledge 2.5 - Demonstrates proficiency in the language of instruction.


Reflecting on own upbringing and how that could affect perceptions and judgments of other people/students.

Professionalism 1.4 - Demonstrates a commitment to service and the capacity to be reflective, lifelong learners and inquirers.


Taking a risk outside of comfort area (e.g., subject, grade level, setting, and more)

Professionalism 1.4 - Demonstrates a commitment to service and the capacity to be reflective, lifelong learners and inquirers. 


Differentiate classroom environment and instruction to provide flexibility in pace, place, interest and ability (blended learning, personalized learning).

Instructional 3.3 - Demonstrates the ability to use a wide variety of responsive instructional strategies and methodologies to accommodate learning styles of individual learners and support their growth as social, intellectual, physical and spiritual beings. 


Accounting for and respecting the students cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds when planning and teaching. 

Curricular 4.3 - Demonstrates the capacity to engage in program planning to shape 'lived curriculum' that brings learner needs, subject matter, and contextual variables together in developmentally appropriate, culturally responsive, and meaningful ways. 


Recognizing how the Calls to Action may be implemented in academics, class contents, daily interactions and school community building. 

Knowledge 2.1 - Demonstrates knowledge of how the Canadian colonial context, especially in reference to Saskatchewan and Western Canada, impacts teaching and learning for Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples. 


Incorporating elements of Indigenous cultures in teaching like storytelling, medicine wheel, sharing circles, connection to the land, family and community, and more. 

Knowledge 2.2 - Demonstrates knowledge of First Nations, Metis and Inuit culture and histories (e.g., treaties, residential school, scrip and worldview) and their impacts on contemporary experiences and relationships. 


Demonstrating awareness of and eliminating stereotyping in instruction, including language, gender, sexuality, perceived disability, and race. 

Professionalism 1.3 - Demonstrates a commitment to social justice and the capacity to nurture an inclusive, equitable and culturally responsive environment for the empowerment of all learners.


Displaying self-control emotionally; demonstrating personal behaviour that is acceptable for classroom and school.

Professionalism 1.2 - Demonstrates ethical behaviour and the ability to work in a collaborative manner for the good of all learners.


Recognizing that policies about different elements of education may differ depending on the policies developed by a school division's board of education. 

Knowledge 2.4 - Demonstrates an understanding of the organizational and legal contexts of schooling.


Have an understanding of the data collection and utilization processes in a school or school division (e.g., school learning improvement plans, conferring with students, report cards, academic goals).

Instructional 3.1 Demonstrates the ability to use educational research, inquiry, and data for planning, instructional and assessment purposes. 


Co-creating assessment tools with students such as rubrics, checklists, criterion-based formative and summative assessments.

Instructional 3.2 - Demonstrates the ability to utilize meaningful, equitable and holistic approaches to assessment and evaluation. 


Creating lessons, finding resources, using instructional strategies or assessments that are suitable for specific needs of learners.

Professionalism 1.3 - Demonstrates a commitment to social justice and the capacity to nurture an inclusive, equitable and culturally responsive environment for the empowerment of all learners. 
