Cyber Safety
Microsoft Word
Copyright Law
Computer Parts
Microsoft Excel
An attempt at identity theft in which users are lead to a fake site in an attempt to give away personal information (like credit card numbers) is known as _____________.
What is a "hyperlink" and how can you add one in Word?
It's a link to take you directly to a website, another document, place in the document, etc. To add one you can go to the Insert tab or select the text and right click and select "hyperlink."
True or False: works created by the US government (ie: hearings from a session) are protected by copyright law
RAM stands for
Random Access Memory
All formulas must begin with
an equal sign (=)
__________________ is proving you are who or what you say you are (usually done with usernames/passwords, finger prints, security questions, etc.).
True or False: it's possible to merge cells in a table in Word.
True. Select the cells you want to merge in the table and select to merge (or right click and select merge cells).
Fair Use Factor 1 deals with the purpose and character of your work. If your work is for non-profit and/or educational use, if favors being okay to use without permission.
An _________________ slot allows you to add additional items/cards to your computer (such as additional USB ports).
expansion slot
To add together several values which formula would you use?
Your bank sends an email with a link to click in order to update your security questions for your account. The email looks legitimate and has the actual bank logo. What should be your course of action?
Do not click on the link. Even if it looks legit, legitimate companies do not ask for personal information through emails/phone calls unless you contact them first. Call your bank. Clicking on the link could lead to spyware/malware/identity theft/etc.
What are the four possible ways you can align text in Word 2010?
left, centered, right, and justified.
Fair Use Factor 3 deals with the amount and substantiality of the work that's used. True or False: if you only use a small amount of someone else's work you can never get in trouble.
False: even if you don't use a lot, if you use the "heart" of the work it may still not be considered fair use.
The __________ port allows you to insert a cable that will allow you to connect to a network (the internet).
Ethernet port
You click on cell C9 and select "freeze panes." This means everything to the __________ and to the __________ of C9 will be frozen.
everything to the TOP and to the LEFT of C9 will be frozen.
Explain the difference between https and http when you are browsing the internet.
The "s" in https means you are on a website that is encrypting information and therefore making it more secure. Never put personal information on a site that doesn't have https, even if you think it's legit.
True or False: it's possible to change the background color in a Word document.
If you use someone else's work but don't make money, you are most likely covered by fair use.
False. If you use someone else's stuff without permission, even if you don't profit, you can still be sued for infringement.
____________ cables transport information to and from the motherboard in a computer.
Ribbon cables
To prevent this: ##### in a cell in Excel, you need to do what?
autofit the cell
What is a unique address used to identify a device on a network?
An IP address
Can you a.) insert a header with the current date in Word and b.) insert a header with the current time in Word?
yes - you can insert both the current date and time, and both set to update, in Word.
If you have an idea of a piece of art you want to create, you are covered by copyright law the moment you have the idea.
False - ideas are not covered. You are covered as soon as the work is in a "tangible" form.
The most important thing to remember before working on the inside of a computer is to __________________.
You must "ground yourself" (by touching the back of the computer/counter/etc.)
What should you do if you want all text to fit in a single cell and want the cell to expand vertically instead of horizontally (by autofitting)?
wrap text