Copy and Paste
Education Galaxy
Google Meet
Google Classroom

What keys do we use to paste?

Control (ctrl) and v


What website do we have to log into to get to Education Galaxy?



How do you log into the Google Meet?

Through our Google Classroom link.


What is the name of our Google Classroom?

 ___ Grade Tech Lab


Can you speak in the Google Meet without raising your hand? Why or why not?

No. If you speak without raising your hand everyone would be talking over each other and no one would be able to understand anything. Raising your hand makes sure that the teacher can answer everyone's question without missing anyone.


What do you use to move your mouse?

The touch pad


Where can you find your pre-tests?

The yellow My Diagnostics tab


Do you have to stay in the Google Meet if you are working independently? Why?

No because my teacher can see my screen and check to make sure I have completed any of my work.


In our Google Classroom where can you find the link to our Google Meet?

At the top of the page in the banner.


How do you highlight text when you want to copy and paste?

Click behind the text that you want to copy and hold your finger on the touch pad. Then, while you're still holding the touch pad, use your other pointer finger to drag your mouse to the beginning of the text and let go when everything is highlighted blue. 


What are the three keys you use to copy and paste text?

Control (ctrl), c, and v


If you don't know how to get to your pre-tests, what are some ways you could ask me for help?

Email, Education Galaxy student messenger, Google Meet, and Clever messenger


When should you use the Google Meet chat?

When you have a question or when you are answering someone else's question.


If your teacher makes a post, can you add comments to it?

Yes! This is another way you can talk to your teacher and your class!


How can we use Google Chat and Google Classroom Comments in a responsible way?

Only chatting when we have a question or are answering a question

Refuse to be mean or rude and ignore rude comments posted by others. 

Don't post comments while we are still in another class.

Don't talk to each other about things outside of class while we are supposed to be listening to the teacher or completing a test.


What keys do we use to copy?

Control (ctrl) and c


What pre-tests do we have to complete?

Math, Language Arts, Reading, (and Science for 5th)


When should you not be using the Google Meet Chat? 

When my teacher is teaching or when I am taking a test.


If your teacher gives you an assignment on Google Classroom, where can you find it?

You can find it in Classwork


Why does your teacher want you to make mistakes?

Mistakes help us learn and help our teacher learn what we need their help with. Your teacher wants to help you succeed but cannot do that if you don't ask for help when you need it!


What are the three steps to copy and paste?

1.Highlight the text you want to copy

2. Press control+c then move your mouse to where you want to paste 

3. Press control+v


Do you have to get all of the questions right?

No (Remember you have not seen most of this stuff anywhere. We just have to get them done!)


Why would your teacher kick you out of the Google Meet? Will there be a warning?

When I am not paying attention, using the chat irresponsibly, not following directions, or being disruptive. There will be a warning.


How do you submit an assignment?

Click turn in after you have finished the assignment


Are you an amazing student who can do anything they set their minds to?

YES! All of us can do amazing things but we cannot succeed at anything without trying!
