3 payment methods available in ePayments.
Paper Check, Zelle, Direct Deposit
The option you select from the menu in Commercial Experience to upload a positive pay file.
The first thing you should check if the images of checks being scanned through ROS are not good.
Scanner Settings
This is the option a client will click on in Credit Management to view other Obligors available.
The maximum dollar amount per transaction a client can send in ILV.
An option a client can choose to happen if a payment expires in ePayments.
PNC sends the payee a physical check
The ACH import profile type that should be used when creating a batch from an active template and updating dollar amounts.
Batches - Templated
The order of a MICR line on a check.
Check #/ABA/Account
The status of an Advance Request when awaiting the Loan Officer's approval.
A country a client cannot send an ILV to.
Where entitled operators can change the colors and URL that payees see when accepting an epayment.
Company Settings
The service class code for a NACHA file batch with debits and credits.
The minimum entitlements needed for a user to be able to scan and transmit DOS checks.
Customer Operator and Transmit Only
The button users must click to send a file in Credit Management to the Loan Administrator.
The amount of time between required re-authorization of a token for PINACLE connect.
6 months
The additional login information needed for ePayments beside company id, operator id and password.
This upload method that only accepts NACHA Files.
ACH Bulk Load
The retention time for DOS images.
35 days
The user a client must set up on PINACLE for Desktop Quickbooks.
The system you can see if a client is signed up for PINACLE Connect services.
Client Tracker
3 things an operator can change in ePayments if they have the "allow operator to configure company settings" assigned.
Color Scheme, Company URL and Contact Information
The method a client can utilize to use an existing ACH batch to create a template.
Export the batch
The application that must be accessed when restarting the drivers for DOS.
Passport Web Edition
The bank a customer has to select when setting up Quickbooks through API.
The entitlements an operator needs to see IR information in their ERP.
API and IR with account numbers