Learning and Acquiring Language
Models of Language Acquisition
Program Models for ESOL Education
Types of Language Learners
Factors of Student Success of Failure
This theorist distinguishes between language performance and language competence.
Who is Chomsky
Krashen's Monitor Model is based on the research of this theorist
Who is Noam Chomsky
This type of program is also reffered to as the "sink or swim" method
What is English Immersion
Language learner students entering a school system are classified into this many categories
What is 4
Part or the Contextual Interaction Model, this context influencing emergent bilinguals includes the available resources, staffing, facility, and attitudes and involvement of teachers, peers and parents.
What is the school context
These are two types of linguistic competence
What is communicative and grammatical
Krashen's Monitor Model is made up of the many interrelated hypotheses
What is 5
These programs have an additive language result
What is Late Exit, Enriched Immersion, and Bilingual or Dual Language
Students who have been in the US less than five years, are in grades 2-12, and tend to catch up academically quickly are usually in this category
What is Recent Arrival with Adequate Schooling
Vygotsky's theory stated that people learn when instruction is targeted to this
What is the zone of proximal development
This theorist created the Acculturation Model, focusing on sociocultural factors that act on the language learner.
Who is Schumann
In this program, all students become biliterate and bilingual
What is Dual Language Education or Bilingual Education
Students who have had interrupted or incomplete educational experiences, and have been in the US less than 5 years are considered part of this category
What is Recent Arrival with Limited Formal Schooling
Legal mandates, mass media, and attitudes towards immigrants are aspects of this context of the Contextual Interaction Model
What is the national and state context
These are the the three functions of language
What is referential, expressive and integrative
According to Schumanns model, this is the result of a greater social distance between two cultures
What is increased difficulty learning the second language
In these programs, students are given ESL support for general language skills or content instruction for up to three years.
What is ESL Pullout or Push-in programs (traditional or content specific)
Students have been in the US longer than seven years, with limited literacy in both the native language and English are considered to be part of this category
What is Long-term English learner
Genetic inferiority, cultural deficit, and cultural missmatch are all flawed perspectives of success or failure because they are single cause and this
What is context free
Engagement in authentic activities in the process of acquiring new concepts is key to Vygotsky's theory of this
What is Cognitive Apprenticeship
Both Krashen's and Schumann's models focus on input, not accounting for this
What is output
In this program, language learners receive content instruction in both English and the native language for four to six years
What is Late Exit or Maintenance programs
Students who have recently arrived in the US and are starting school in Kindergarten or first grade, or students who have lived in the US longer but started their education in a different language, are categorized as this
What is Potential long-term English learner
A perspective of student success or failure that is multiple cause and context specific is reffered to as this
What is the Contextual interaction