You should always wear them when in the scene shop.
What are safety glasses?
All lights use this to connect to their support structure.
What is a C-Clamp?
This picture is an example of this kind of set.
What is a box set?
The phrase "QC", is used to describe this, which is when an actor has to change the costume they are wearing in a short amount of time.
What is a "quick-change"?
This common tool is used in almost all elements of set construction.
What is a "Power Drill"?
You should never do this to someone while they are operating a power tool.
What is "distract someone"?
This picture is an example of this light.
What is a "PAR light"?
This common set structure is made to look like a wall or platform.
What is a "Flat"?
This picture shows an example of this, which is how costume designers keep track of which characters are on stage and what they are wearing.
What is a "costume plot/chart"?
This cable is used to connect microphones to an amplifier.
What is an "XLR cable"?
When not using a power tool, you should always do this.
What is "turn them off/not leave them running"?
This picture is an example of this kind of light.
What is a fresnel light?
This picture is an example of this kind of set.
What is a unit set?
Costumes that take the audience to a make-believe place are called this.
What is "stylized"?
This picture shows this kind of saw, which we used in class to cut pieces of wood.
What is a "Miter Saw"?
Students should only use tools that are this.
What is "sharp"?
This is what we call the large cloth in the back of the stage that we project background light onto. (HINT: Mr. T got reeeaaal angry about people touching it.)
What is a "Cyc"?
Flats are constructed using pieces of wood along the short edge going horizontally, along the long edge going vertically, and in between the two to make the flat stronger. These three pieces of a flat are called these.
What are "Rails, Stiles, and Toggles"?
This word describes plays where the characters are aware that they are in a performance and can interact with the audience.
What is "presentational"?
This is the name of the technique used to coil microphone cables.
What is the "over/under technique"?
Theatre technicians should always strive to maintain it.
What is "a clean work area"?
This picture is an example of this kind of light.
What is an "Ellipsoidal"?
This is the name given to the wooden bracket used to stand flats up.
What is "Wall Jack"?
This word can be used to describe all realistic plays.
What is "representational"?
This term is what we call the curtains that run horizontally over the top of the stage.
What are "borders"?