Is there ever a situation where a patient's cataracts are so bad, that removing them would be of no benefit visually
Depends on length that has had cataracts. Underlying etiology, such as ARMD, glaucoma, BDR
Top 4 diagnosis in the I&P/codes section
What are the billable diagnosis?
What drops have a purple cap & what are they used for?
alpha adrenergic agonists
EX: Brimonidine, Alphagan
Used to decrease IOP. Can be used to constrict purple to decrease night time glare
used to measure proptosis in thyroid/graves dx, orbital trauma patients
what is an exopthalmometer?
Can a pt see 20/20 at 1 mo PO PRK
What IOL can help a young, high myope see better, when they are not a candidate for LASIK/PRK
myopia, hyperopia, presbyopia and astigmatism
What are the non-billable codes (All refractive errors too)
amniotic membrane
What is Prokera or dehydrated tissue?
which corneal procedures are similar, just at different locations
What is the difference between AK & LRI
Belin Ambrosia
Pentacam needed for CXL evals?
Why? displays total deviation value is a multivariate Index that integrates anterior elevation, posterior elevation & the pachymetric data. It gives a complete overview of the corneal shape and is therefore a quick and effective screening tool for CXL
LASIK-has a flap
LASEK- no flap, epithelium pushed to side w/ alcohol solution
PRK-epithelium removed w/ alcohol
Corneal thickness, refractive error hobbies or activity level, recovery time preference
What are factors to consider when determining Lasik vs PRK?
The gel that fills the cavity in back of eye, clumps together and can pass into the visual axis, casting shadows on the retina, caused by aging.
What is a floater?
What is the purpose of an SK
to remove superficial corneal scarring, opacities, or defective surface cells from the cornea, allowing new healthy cells to grow in their place, thereby improving vision by correcting irregularities on the corneal surface and treating conditions like recurrent corneal erosion, epithelial basement membrane dystrophy, or Salzmann's nodular degeneration; it's often performed before cataract surgery to ensure accurate lens power calculations due to a smoother corneal surface.
spherical value for the lens
What is determined by focusing the thin lines on the manual lensometer
Diagnosing, interpreting test results, recommending a change of meds other than ATS, recommending surgery, telling pt their IOP..... to name a few
What examples are considered practicing out of the scope of a technician?
Ask the patient for complaints & ADL for second eye
What is one of the most important things to ask a pt at 1 week PO (IOL, YAG, SK) surgery, first eye
light colored eyes, iritis, abrasions, dryness, albinism
What can cause eyes to be sensitive to light?
between 540-560 microns
What is an average corneal thickness?
This test is an older test that shows higher order aberrations of the corneal, along with a wavefront analysis of the corneal
What is an OPD scan?
Why do we not use it? The OPD scan is missing from the unit. LOL
IOL exchange/reposition, LASIK enhancement or AK/LRI
What options do patients have if they are not correctable to 20/20 (assuming no other pathology), and are S/P PCIOL, YAG & LASIK OU?
VF 10-2, amsler grid, OCT mac & color plates
What testing is needed for plaquenil exam.
Plaquenil affects the cones of the retina, which are responsible for color & central vision
How to handle the difficult patient?
Listen to the pt. Usually they just want to be heard. Kill them w/ kindness. Ask for help from a team member.
Can a YAG (PC, PI, vitreolysis) change the pts glasses rx?
PC-Possibly-depends on whether or not the IOL settle different after the YAG-wont change alot.
Vitreolysis-should not
This test is to be done on EVERY lvl 5 whether it is new pt or not Also to be done on dry eye consult, but only when requested on follow up exams.
What is a tear lab?