Mr. Phipps
The perspective stage directions are given from.
An actor, on stage, facing the audience.
The type of shoes you should ware when working in the shop
Closed toed shoes
The upper limit of the size of a fire you can handle with a fire extinguisher
Warm Soapy Water.
The direction an actor, moving away from an audience is traveling
The best place for phones when working in the theatre
AWAY (Preferably in a locker or back in the classroom.)
The locations of the CMA's fire extinguishers
Backstage right, and next to the lighting booth door.
Describe the first C in the 3 Cs of First Aid
Check: Make sure the area is safe, then approach and see what kind of first aid is necessary.
The act of removing something from the stage
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) that should be worn whenever you are near or using power tools.
Safety glasses, Ear plugs (eyes and ears), and work gloves.
How can you tell if a fire extinguisher has already been used.
The perforated zip tie tag on the pin is missing.
Describe the Second C in the 3 Cs of first aid.
Call: Get Mr. Phipps
Upstage center left
What do you shout if you drop something from higher than hip level
The fuel in a type B fire
Flammable liquids such as gasoline, grease, or oil.
Describe the third C in the 3 Cs of First Aid
The reason the part of the stage nearest to the audience is called "Downstage"
Old stages were on a slight incline, so actors would physically move slightly up and slightly down when moving towards and away from the audience.
Clothing and hair with these descriptors should not be worn when working with power tools, instead you should have what kind of hair and clothes
Loose and flowing
Hair should be tied back and out of the way. Clothes should be well fitted, but not too tight.
What does PASS mean when using a fire extinguisher
Pull the Pin
Aim at the base of the fire
Squeeze the handle
Sweep back and forth.