What is Ms. Lorrie's last name?
Name the four math operations.
addition, subtraction, multiplication, division
Which of the words in this sentence is the adjective? She swatted at the angry bee.
When is it okay to get out of your seat on the bus?
When it is completely stopped and parked.
What is Ms. Page's last name?
What sport did Ms. Lorrie coach at Tennessee Middle School?
How many eggs are in a dozen?
Name the four types of sentences.
declarative, interrogative, imperative, exclamatory
True or false: Exercise balls can be used for things other than sitting.
False. We do not throw, bounce, roll, etc. the exercise balls.
How long has Ms. Page worked with TechGYRLS?
almost 4 years (3 or 3.5 years are acceptable answers)
How old is Ms. Lorrie?
How many sides does an octagon have?
And, or, & but are examples of ________.
Answers may vary.
What bone did Ms. Page break while working with TechGYRLS?
What is Ms. Lorrie's husband's name?
How many minutes are in an hour and a half?
What is the difference between a synonym and an antonym?
Synonyms are words that mean similar things; antonyms are words that mean opposite things.
Give me three high-quality sentences of appreciation.
Answers may vary.
What is Ms. Page's favorite color?
Ms. Tonja
Name the next number in the pattern: 1, 2, 4, 7, 11, 16, __.
Give an example of a preposition.
Answers may vary. (above, behind, in, near, over, up, to, etc.)
Name something that is in the No Tolerance section of the Student Handbook. What is the consequence for the first offense?
Answers may vary. Consequence for the first offense is a two-day suspension.
Fill in the blanks: Ms. Page eats ______ but not ______ or ______. (beef, chicken, pork)
Ms. Page eats chicken but not beef or pork.