How many reed switches does the M2 Have?
3X Bean Hopper
1X Ground Drawer
How many hot water tanks does the CV have?
Bunn Brewer called in for short batching. What is the first thing you check?
Spray heads
Clean with a 35degree pick
What are the three parts of a healthy espresso shot?
Heart, Body, Creme
Does electricity flow through the probes and the multimeter when testing voltage?
No, meters sense the difference between two points
This controls all 24VDC, 3.3VDC, and 3.3VAC circuits
What 4 things should you calibrate on every CV call?
1. Flow-meters
2. Grinders
3. Pistons
4. Wiper Plows
Bunn Brewer is called in for over-batching. What is the first thing you check?
Are they there? They often come unscrewed and get thrown out with the coffee grounds.
This compression like technique is applied to the distributed bed of espresso to ensure even flow through the puck.
A 24VDC Solenoid valve is not activating, how do you use a multimeter to test the valve's circuit
1. Set multimeter to test for DC Voltage
2. Remove leads from solenoid.
3. Attach Probes to leads and activate valve.
Bonus: How could you test the solenoid itself?
What do the 6 Triacs on the Power Board UI control
3 Mill Grinder
2 Brew Chamber Cart Heater
1 Booster Pump
How many stepper motors does a complete CV have?
6X hopper motors
2X wiper motors
2X piston motor
You arrive on site and use the hidden buttons to try and activate setting menu but it will not work. How do you resolve?
Flip the setting menu lock out switch on the back of the CPU.
The water pressure required to pull espresso.
How would you test an element?
1. Remove leads from elements
2. Set Meter to Resistance
4. Read correct value depending on element wattage and supply voltage.
How many tiacs are on the inside right of the M2 Chassis?
1 Hydro Heating Element, 2 Steam Elements
If you suspect a bad flow-meter on left or right brew valve and you don't have a replacement what is your best option?
Swap with hot water tap flow-meter, hot water flow-meter is vestigial and can be a back up in a pinch.
Bunn Dual is called in for leaking all over counter top from the bottom of brewer. Where is the water coming from and what are the 3 most common explanations?
Water is coming from the overflow circuit (overflow cup).
1. Scaled fill level probe.
2. Fill valve stuck open.
3. Over-boil.
This beverage is equal parts espresso and steamed milk. It derives it's name from the Spanish verb "to cut."
You fear a micro-switch has failed. How do I test that?!
1. Set meter to Continuity (touch probes, audible beep)
2. Remove switch leads
3. test across leads while activating switch
How many fuses can be found in the chassis, what are their rated amperage's?
2X 8A Power Board
1X 2A Booster Pump Circuit
Why does the CV drip from PRV?
The CV is shipped with an accumulator tank installed to help even out water pressure spikes and boost flow up the hydraulic pathways. Due to a leaking schrader valve the accumulator can not maintain it's air pressure, when the internal pressure spikes the PRV opens and drips water.
How does a BUNN Dual SH Turn 240AC to 24VDC used by the Urns to keep brewed coffee warm.
240VAC->30ishVAC via Step Down Transformer
30ishVAC ->24VDC via Rectifier
What is the average weight (in Grams) of an M2 double shot?
40G's +/- 2G's
How do you test a steam wand NTC
1. Place NTC in cold water bath (ice water, but mostly ice)
2. Wait 60 seconds
3. Set meter to test for resistance
4. Connect probes to NTC molex
Bonus: Correct Ohms for an M2 Steam wand NTC?